Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Cheers Nigel it felt like all I had just to get home. First time I felt like that. Was a little bit more wrapped up. An extra layer on. Didn't know if that was a factor.
I feel like that some days, just a matter of doing the ride, yesterday I couldn't seem to get going, not enough hills I guess.
My today avg was still only 13.31mph over 24.9 miles. and whilst not my most difficult ride per K/m it rates as the tenth most difficult per/km over 30Km's this year out of 26 rides and a little above avg.
2 p.b.'s
Knottingley Hill Top Lights from Ferrybridge
Wentbridge Road
I cant rightly say if the extra pressure in the tyres helped, but the bike did seem to roll better.

Edit it does make this week the second rated for ft climbed per mile at 54.93ft/mile the best was 55.41ft/mile 3 wks ago. back in Aug I was only doing 26-30ft/mile
Out of interest how easy is it to ride up hill and what sort of top speeds do you get out if it?
It's nemesis is hills due to her shear weight so it's dependent on the incline but real steep hills are killers. Speed wise I've only had around 30mph out of her due to currently having 7 gears but I will be getting Alfine 11 speed fitted soon so I believe 50mph down hill could be easily achievable


Senior Member
After having been out 4 days in a row which is more than I've done for months, I am making myself take a rest day today. Legs and bum were a bit sore yesterday. Sitting here feeling a bit guilty though as it is a nice enough morning. Probably give the dog a couple of decent walks. I am sure she won't complain!

Hopefully manage a reasonable ride tomorrow morning. I like Sundays when the roads are quieter. :smile:

You've definitely earned a rest day after 4 consecutive days! I know what you mean though, I forced myself to have a rest day on Thursday and I felt guilty too as I could have got out.


Senior Member
So as I'm annoyed with my Triban right now I decided to dig the old hardtail MTB I still have from when I was a kid. It's about four sizes too small for me, weighs 17kg, only 4 of the 24 gears work (none of the lowest or highest) and the rolling resistance is phenomenal but it was a lot of fun. ^_^

I got as far as I could up Bredon hill before the track ran out and it became forest. There are other easier ways up so I will have to try those in the near future. 400ft of climbing is nothing on a road bike but trust me on that thing it was incredibly hard work, I am knackered. :laugh:


Legendary Member
So as I'm annoyed with my Triban right now I decided to dig the old hardtail MTB I still have from when I was a kid. It's about four sizes too small for me, weighs 17kg, only 4 of the 24 gears work (none of the lowest or highest) and the rolling resistance is phenomenal but it was a lot of fun. ^_^

I got as far as I could up Bredon hill before the track ran out and it became forest. There are other easier ways up so I will have to try those in the near future. 400ft of climbing is nothing on a road bike but trust me on that thing it was incredibly hard work, I am knackered. :laugh:

A change is as good as a rest as they say. I have dog walked over 8 miles in total and washed the car so not that much of a rest day! ^_^


So as I'm annoyed with my Triban right now I decided to dig the old hardtail MTB I still have from when I was a kid. It's about four sizes too small for me, weighs 17kg, only 4 of the 24 gears work (none of the lowest or highest) and the rolling resistance is phenomenal but it was a lot of fun. ^_^

I got as far as I could up Bredon hill before the track ran out and it became forest. There are other easier ways up so I will have to try those in the near future. 400ft of climbing is nothing on a road bike but trust me on that thing it was incredibly hard work, I am knackered. :laugh:
I keep meaning to get my MTB out. I use it for the commute but want to take it Cannock chase with lad from work but always end up riding in the road.

Also keep meaning to upgrade the brakes to hydraulic from mechanical but always something shiny to buy for be defy 2 lol.

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
I really need to get out. The cold just makes it a struggle to get out. Will get going tomorrow!


Senior Member
I keep meaning to get my MTB out. I use it for the commute but want to take it Cannock chase with lad from work but always end up riding in the road.

Also keep meaning to upgrade the brakes to hydraulic from mechanical but always something shiny to buy for be defy 2 lol.

You should do it the next time you get a chance, it makes a really nice change from road cycling. I know what you money about the money though, I am N+1ing really badly now even though I just spent loads on new wheels and tyres for the Triban. :laugh:


North Carolina
A change is as good as a rest as they say. I have dog walked over 8 miles in total and washed the car so not that much of a rest day! ^_^

I am getting in less riding this month because of weather and work. It is raining and cool here today again. I am going to walk today also, I may even do a little running,:dry: as much as I dislike running. I do think doing some different types of exercise and working different muscles is good.

At the rate I am going this month I will be lucky to get 250 miles riding in. tomorrow is supposed to be warmer and clear. I may even take out the drop bar bike tomorrow if I get it put back together in time. Getting it ready for spring and summer is a slower process than I anticipated and hopefully one I don't need to do for at least another year.


Über Member
Out for a proper ride this morning, as my terminal man flu/chest infection has abated enough, armed with my new smart phone (2nd hand) and Strava app. Got to the start of my usual quick ride loop, all set, popped strava on and did my 6 miles and stopped to check the time etc. You have to press start you dumbarse! oops! :ohmy:

So did another 2.3 miles just to see if it worked and amazingly it did when you hit the right buttons!

Home in time to watch the footy.

After that finished and some lunch went back out and did the same loop again, with strava turned on this time, apparently through a segment. So had to check the result 567th / 586 :sad: It was into a head wind honest, and one of my chain rings is buggered so can't use it!

Got home, changed onto my mountain bike, went to the shops for bread and milk, came home and realised I forgot to get electricity this week and had 17p left on my meter, so back up the shops for electric!

Good day riding, approx 16.5 miles done today, love my new bike, and so glad this poxy chest infection is going after nearly 4 weeks.


Legendary Member
Out for a proper ride this morning, as my terminal man flu/chest infection has abated enough, armed with my new smart phone (2nd hand) and Strava app. Got to the start of my usual quick ride loop, all set, popped strava on and did my 6 miles and stopped to check the time etc. You have to press start you dumbarse! oops! :ohmy:

So did another 2.3 miles just to see if it worked and amazingly it did when you hit the right buttons!

Home in time to watch the footy.

After that finished and some lunch went back out and did the same loop again, with strava turned on this time, apparently through a segment. So had to check the result 567th / 586 :sad: It was into a head wind honest, and one of my chain rings is buggered so can't use it!

Got home, changed onto my mountain bike, went to the shops for bread and milk, came home and realised I forgot to get electricity this week and had 17p left on my meter, so back up the shops for electric!

Good day riding, approx 16.5 miles done today, love my new bike, and so glad this poxy chest infection is going after nearly 4 weeks.

I did that the other night, when I noticed and pressed start my gps decided I had done a couple of miles in zero seconds, it gave me an average moving speed of over 450mph :ohmy:
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