Obviously an Aubergine
That doesn't sound very nice.
I seem to remember getting an over the counter top up from the co op there.
Spain has a good system of roadside fonts.
Even in high mountain villages, again a local will usually point, or even lead you the way..
Arrggh now I'm nostalgic for travel, that's in the balance at the moment.
Is it or isn't it covid??
Feel a bit grotty - but other bugs are still available
I most of the ones I can think of the nearest local was some distance away and in one case
[ Benbecula] appeared to be stoned on something and encouraged the dog to chase me along the road. There was also a flagpole with a union jack flag which is a clear sign they are probably not the nicest people and certainly not local.
That doesn't sound very nice.
I seem to remember getting an over the counter top up from the co op there.
Spain has a good system of roadside fonts.
Even in high mountain villages, again a local will usually point, or even lead you the way..
Arrggh now I'm nostalgic for travel, that's in the balance at the moment.
Is it or isn't it covid??
Feel a bit grotty - but other bugs are still available