Then why post replies stating technicalities that are cleverly worded to rubbish the OP, whilst actually adding nothing to the discussion. The OP actually has quite a bit of experience, based on their posts, whilst you don't appear to have as much, based on your replies. You don't appear to be stupid, in any sense, so I don't understand your motivation? Boredom perhaps? Enjoy Devil's Advocate?Wait, what? Other factors affect speed apart from cadence? Who knew??!!
So it should, by your own definition, also follow that the same process will also deliver a lower effort for the same cadence. In which case, precisely how many watts will you save by extending your crank arms by 10mm?
As for the second part, the logic does apply as you say. How much saved, or added, power output will clearly be down to the characteristics and dimensions of the rider and what they run to start with surely?