New tyres. Check.
New wheels. Check.
Tyres meet wheels, wheels meet tyres.
Oh c*ck
As per usual, one step forward, one step backwards and one step sideways...
The tyres went onto the wheels really nicely - managed to get them on using my thumbs except for the last handspan or so. Nothing some tyre levers couldn't solve.
I re-used a pair of old tubes as there was nothing wrong with them, although I did put the patched one on the front. Just in case it can't cope with my derriere...

Having gone from single walled rims to double walled rims, the valve stems are now a bit on the short side, but they'll do for now.
Rather like the way the wheels look, they're very well made and the whole wheelset is lighter by some margin than one steel wheel fitted to the Emmelle! And the reflective ring on the tyres will be a useful extra when riding on dark, unlit roads. I plan on putting some of those reflective spoke sleeves on as well.
The problems started when I unpacked the skewers. They don't match.
Oh c*ck, to borrow a select phrase from James May. They work alright and fit alright, but the front is a different style and colour to the rear. I've never bought a wheelset before, but I'd have expected the skewers to match, even if they didn't resemble the ones in the pictures on the website. Anyways, I shall be firing off an e-mail to Taylor Wheels to see what they can do for me. I'm going to angle either for a little refund or for a replacement front skewer, as I prefer the look and mechanism of the rear one (bottom skewer in pic).
That aside, the other issue is springing the rear triangle to get the wheel in. To put it bluntly, I don't have the hands, arms or leverage of a bloke who has a foot in height and four or five more stone in weight over me to be doing something like this without damaging the wheel.

So I'm going to have to go down the threaded bar route to sort the fit of the back wheel and axle.
Irritatingly, I have a length of threaded bar, but it's too short. Classical application of the Law of Sod. I'm meeting my friend tomorrow to borrow her set of callipers to check the seat tube internal diameter. She also has some threaded bar of the right length hanging around, but isn't sure of the diameter. So I said to her to sling it in her bag and we'll see if it fits. Always worth a try.
Failing that, I have to go past the local agricultural engineering and tractor spares place afterwards when I go to pick up mum's prescription, so if what my friend has in terms of threaded bar doesn't fit, then the chances are that the engineering place might have something suitable. Well, it doesn't cost me to pop in and ask, does it?