Why not?
Other than the emphasised section that is basically what happened to me. I was launched -- well, I launched myself, to be fair -- into the air when a small child appeared unexpectedly in front of me and it was impossible to go around. I was not wearing a helmet. I landed on my bike, on my elbow, picked myself up and rode to work (only then discovering the extent of the injury).
I don't really mind what choice people make regarding what to wear or not to wear on their heads, but if you are going to present them with a method of coming to a decision, at least make it a realistic one. I don't recall any occasion in which my hands have been superglued to the bars and my body has generally been pretty good at instinctively breaking my fall. We didn't evolve wearing helmets, after all.
Anthrapologists call it a "Braincase". Medical people call is a "Cranium". Others call it a "Skull". A lot of people call it a Nut, Noggin, Bonce etc.
It has developed to protect the soft grey matter inside.