As a rule I don't get involved in helmet debates and you are of course entitled to your opinion even if it is ill informed and illogical. I will never wear a helmet on the road precisely because of a real fear of a rotational head injury. I have some distressing experience of this injury and it is not a "ruse" as you put it.
Perhaps i havnt put it well...
A 'ruse' should perhaps be rewritten as an 'overstatement' made by the anti wearing brigade. Even the term anti helmet brigade is unintentionally inflammatory, they're entitled to their opinion...its the overstatement of ONE aspect of wearing i don't like.
I dont think of it as illogical or ill informed. As stated, i dont really have an opinion one way or the other...i'm sure it is possible to cause rotational injuries...albeit in a very few cases.
Like everything in life, there are pros and cons. I wear a helmet occasionally dependant on circumstances (poor weather/city commuting)...but certainly
wouldnt NOT wear one for fear of the (IMO) small chances of rotational injury.
I work on the principle that IF i were in an accident, i'd rather be wearing a helmet and risk the small (IMO again) chance of rotational injury than smacking my unprotected head against the floor.
Nothing in life is pays yer money, you take your chance.
I guess the gist of it is that to focus on one potentially bad aspect of helmet wearing is at best 'illogical or ill informed'. You have to see the bigger picture. (not you personally TFixed...but cyclists in general).
Just to reiterate...i dont have an opinion either way...wear if you want to, dont if you dont. The above is just my opinion.