RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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Senior Member
Ive estimated its around 4,660 ft for the 100 miles. I did a 78 mile portion of the ride, but didnt do the climb up Wimbledon hill or Sawyers Hill and for my ride I got 4,543 via my Garmin. Theres a little discrepancy with the hills still to do, minus a little way I rode which wont be on the route, but its around that mark.


For what it's worth, I got a reading of nearly 6,000 ft of ascent without Leith Hill yesterday. That would be Ripley(ish) to Newlands Corner, A25 to Dorking, Box Hill, Headley Down, Leatherhead and up to Cobham before doubling back to Ripley. That was measured by Endomondo.

Mind you, it also said I hit 54 MPH at one point and I'm pretty sure I didn't. I think I might have noticed.


Senior Member
Ignore my post above - Endomondo talks garbage ^_^ I tracked the whole route on Bikehike and I suggested about 4,250 ft of total ascent.
Check your email junk folder. If its not there contact RideLondon's Facebook page and they will resend it. I know it sounds a bit daft posting on a Facebook page but they really do respond to queries!

If you'd prefer to contact them directly, ring 0207 7902 0212 or email at helpdesk@ridelondon.co.uk.

Im sure when you go to the Excel show between 1st and 3rd they will have your details there also, but best make sure.

Thanks. They aren't replying to emails now and Scope (who I'm riding for) don't have the details so will have to ring them later in the week when I get a chance (nothing in my junk folder either :sad: ).

Great write up on the route too, thanks. Might have to print it off. :whistle:

I can't wait and confidence has grown with some big rides (and climbs) in the last couple of weeks. Fully expecting Wimbledon to be the one that could 'break' me after 90miles though, the knowledge it's the last big dig will hopefully see me through. Making a good weekend of it and the day itself promises to be awesome; all about time, I've always dreamt of doing the London Marathon but being unable to run this is perfect!


Active Member


Active Member
Fantastic write up there Nomadski. You ranked the climbs in a relative fashion there that would be relevant to anyone really.

Although based upon the Mapmyride link above, 4000 feet seems over estimated, I agree that it is still a great write up and I have even used it for my own ride strategy.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Although based upon the Mapmyride link above, 4000 feet seems over estimated, I agree that it is still a great write up and I have even used it for my own ride strategy.

Please be aware I have rode most of this actual route and this data comes from my Gps location from a garmin 800 uploaded to garmin connects website correlated with garmins corrected elevation which comes from land surveys.

Its interesting everyone is using these route planning sites and coming up with a massive variation of elevation, see posts above ranging from mid 2k to 4k for bikehike.

I'm confident my own figure is accurate to around +\- 200 ft.

Wait and see after you upload your rides after the big day. :smile:


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
Can any kind soul tell me the closest drop off point to Ilford?

Staying overnight at the Travelodge there and just trying to plot my route on the morning but can't seem to find anything showing the drop off points. I know there were included in transport survey e-mail but that's in my personal e-mail account which I cannot access from work.

Nig mtb

Über Member
Bramley, Surrey
Speedball, I think that when you completed the transport survey depending which boxes you ticked e.g. staying local, the drop off points did not show up.
I am staying in Leytonstone and riding down to the start about 3 to 4 miles
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