RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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Please be aware I have rode most of this actual route and this data comes from my Gps location from a garmin 800 uploaded to garmin connects website correlated with garmins corrected elevation which comes from land surveys.
I don't think your total climbing figure is far off myself. Went on the official site and found a total climb figure of just shy of 3800ft. Not sure if that's just another estimate though. Will work on the basis of the value you calculated as a) if I train for more climbing then in theory less will be easier and b) as you say, you've ridden most of it!
Have just ordered one of these (http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=106300). Seemed a bargain and I know that nutrition was a problem for me when I did the Nottingham 100 at the end of June.


Active Member
13. Just before Headley Common Road there is a small descent, but there is a VERY TIGHT left hairpin turn here so be aware.

Good Call! Just looked at this junction on Google street view and I shall give this a wide berth by going down the right hand side of Box Hill Road and cycling around the outside.

I hope that there will be lots of signs and marshals warning us of this hazard!


Active Member
Have just ordered one of these (http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=106300). Seemed a bargain and I know that nutrition was a problem for me when I did the Nottingham 100 at the end of June.
If I recall it was both wet and cold on the Great Notts 100 which was most likely the cause of your nutrition problem.

I am planning on taking only 4 gels, small soft jam roles, jelly babies + 1 other sweet, peanuts (for sodium), drink supplement and 1 get out of jail energy bar.
Good Call! Just looked at this junction on Google street view and I shall give this a wide berth by going down the right hand side of Box Hill Road and cycling around the outside.

I hope that there will be lots of signs and marshals warning us of this hazard!

I'll be there cheering you all on for a portion of the day. No falling off in front of me, i will point and laugh.


Well-Known Member
South London
Yay, my Scope jersey turned up yesterday. Gave it a test ride on the club run today. This is me, so do say hello as you overtake :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Looks like the official gps is on the garmin site (zip file is here http://static.garmincdn.com/shared/uk/custom/ridelondon/downloads/training.zip ) Although it just says training route - sure i read somewhere that the start for the timing isn't the olympic park but along the road a bit so that would be the reason for it being 96 miles

just over 1200 metres climbing according to that.

That's not the exact route as it diverts on a legal to ride path through Kingston, hence a training route - on the day we will benefit from closed roads so I would imagine a different route ignoring the one way streets. Having said that its about the closest it seems we will get to a proper on the day ride, just have to put up my Garmin beeping the feck out of me around Kingston way.

Also, the pens are in the Olympic park, we ride slightly north to get on the A12, and loop down that normally busy road (which cyclists normally cant ride, hence not on the training route) and the actual start line is near the bottom of the A12 before we come off to go west.

Its that part which is not clear, otherwise I would have made my own garmin file months ago. RL's half baked maps they have released so far leaves that part a ?

Interesting yet more deviation in the elevation...around 4k on that.

Im still going for higher :P

Deleted member 20519

Would have loved to do this, entries are closed though :sad:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Good Call! Just looked at this junction on Google street view and I shall give this a wide berth by going down the right hand side of Box Hill Road and cycling around the outside.

I hope that there will be lots of signs and marshals warning us of this hazard!

I can imagine there will be lots of signage or its a potential accident spot. Riders will be so happy to finally get another downhill bit they may let their guard down!

Good idea previewing it on Streetview.

From my guide it is point 13...


Far Approach


Medium Approach




Reverse Corner View


So yeah, be careful here!

I think Ill be having a few friends here so Im using it as a 2 minute rest stop!
Yay, my Scope jersey turned up yesterday. Gave it a test ride on the club run today. This is me, so do say hello as you overtake :smile:

Got mine yesterday too, didn't realise we were getting sent one so I didn't plan on wearing it. I assume it's not mandatory but I'll feel cheeky if I don't wear it now. :blush:
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