RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
I've got a 14:40 slot as well. It was the latest time. I hope I get there in time though. I'll be the one who looks like he should be playing rugby rather than on a bike. If you see me introduce yourself, it would be good to meet. :smile:

I think all CC folks should have a badge or sticker to wear whilst at excel, around London and during the race then we can all say hi. :biggrin: Lol. Bit like a networking event or a training course.

I booked the latest available time as we are travelling down from Lincolnshire and I wanted to give us the best chance to arrive in a relatively stress free manner.



Über Member
Like @themosquitoking said you will be fine bud. You have put in so much mileage in distance and climbing there really is f*** all to worry about for RL. He knows me well and he reckons I'll be fine, and Im a million miles from your progress.

I dunno if you looked at my 78 miler ride last Sunday, but that was the fiercest part of the ride and I did it with a half decent time. With people around you it will be easier, get into a group going at a similar pace to your own and work a bit together.

Pace it, fuel up when needed, keep those gels going on a regular basis, and let the crowds cheers push you on.

I'm not sure how many people realise what a superb event this is really going to be, there's very little else on this scale in this country, or elsewhere for us amateurs, and I think once the adrenalin kicks in all the nerves and uncertainty will vanish and we will just push on and have an amazing day.

There's some wicked posters going up around London about it, it really is getting into gear now.

I cant feckin wait!

I'm starting to believe that you are right. Riding over the last few weeks has got easier. The 80 miles last weekend has given me confidence and today I put a couple of local hills climbs together on a 17 mile route to replicate Leith and Box hills. I settled into a rhythm and really enjoyed the ride.

I'm really looking forward to 4th Aug. BRING IT ON!!!!


Here is today's ride - http://app.strava.com/activities/68424582

50 miles planned for tomorrow.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Where did you find out your start time in the end? Is there somewhere to log in?

I never received the email with mine, I didn't even realise people had their start times until now!

Check your email junk folder. If its not there contact RideLondon's Facebook page and they will resend it. I know it sounds a bit daft posting on a Facebook page but they really do respond to queries!

If you'd prefer to contact them directly, ring 0207 7902 0212 or email at helpdesk@ridelondon.co.uk.

Im sure when you go to the Excel show between 1st and 3rd they will have your details there also, but best make sure.


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
Did my longest ride to date yesterday (89.2 miles) which has given me a lot more confidence for two weeks time - http://app.strava.com/activities/68447188

Seemed to be headwind all the way out to the coast but I guess it's all good training, nice coming back as well.

What's peoples thought on tapering for the event? Will do a couple of 40/50 milers during the week but not sure whether to go for another big one next weekend or just do enough to keep my legs moving.

Thanks again who have shared their knowledge and info on here.


Über Member
It's great living and riding on the edge of the Brecon Beacons but you have to work for the views. This was 8 miles and 800 ft of climbing into this morning's ride.


For the first time in weeks it was chilly up on the common, cloudy with a strong wind. Here is the Strava link - http://app.strava.com/activities/68680096


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
After writing a lengthy blow by blow account of the route (having done it a few times in various bits and almost all of it all in one go) for @Phoenix Lincs I thought I would share it with this thread as there will be many not lucky enough to have had a go on the route before the big day, and I thought its useful to get some kind of heads up of what to expect. Most of the info is readily available from various sources, but these are collated for your perusal.

Disclaimer: I know I'm going to get a few replies from more hardened cyclists than myself that they could wheelie up Leith Hill, and some of the hills aren't hills, mere molehills etc etc but this quick guide is written by a newbie cyclist for any newbie cyclists doing this race to complete the distance, not to break the sound barrier. If your the latter there is probably little here for you and you wont agree with my little hill "marks" out of ten. I'm simply trying to get across the effort I had to put in to get up them. Maybe cyclists will read this and at least learn something about the layout of the route they weren't aware of before.

I will also say overall this route isn't particularly difficult save for 2 little bits, but for some the climbing combined with the distance will present a challenge to many.

Nomadski's RideLondon 100 Newbie Guide For Newbie Cyclists!
You should use the participants map as context to places, and to the hills I refer to, this is the original published one, the later two are my amended ones to go with my points and with extra info.​

Some general pointers

Most of the outbound journey to the Surrey Hills is flat, save for the hill in Richmond Park (Sawyers Hill - http://app.strava.com/segments/1128062)

When you hit Ripley there is a 3 mile section which goes slightly uphill, its not hard and you will barely notice a hill at all until your legs start aching a bit more than they should. Keep up a high cadence here and don't mash the pedals, just keep spinning lightly. http://app.strava.com/segments/1162926

Keep something in the tank for the return loop to London, even after Box Hill there are 4 unwelcome climbs before Kingston, then once thru Kingston there is a fairly big rise to climb, again not hard but after 85 miles will probably be a little knackering.

Most important - at Wimbledon there is a short but NASTY climb up to Wimbledon village. This is after 90 miles and it will hurt a lot. Its average is 5% (same as Box Hill) but the climb itself is mostly 8%-10%. Keep something in your legs for it. http://app.strava.com/segments/653847

Heads Up For The Route
(mark/10 simply denotes my effort going up them) -



1. Richmond Park - Sawyers Hill Climb (Short) (5/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/3435424


2. After Weybridge 3 short climbs, not difficult, and short, but there (2/10) - http://app.strava.com/activities/67112725#z1140|1310


3. Ripley to West Horsley - Slight gradient for 3 miles, (go easy on gears and spin light). (2/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/1162926

Rolling hills to....
4. NEWLANDS CORNER - (Short straight HARD hill) (8/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/646938

5. Fast Descent!

6. Slow Incline between Abinger Hammer and Holmbury St Mary (1/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/1113706

7. Downhill

8. End of Ockley Road - LEITH HILL - (1.5 Miles, grit your teeth and plough thru the worst the course has to offer. VERY HARD, about 3 false flats) 10/10 - http://app.strava.com/segments/615597

9. Fast Descent leading to a small climb before Guildford Road junction (4/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/1217924

10. Rolling Hills. Use downhill to gain speed to take worst out of uphill parts (6/10)

Flattens near Dorking

11. BOX HILL - (After Leith Hill this is a pussycat, just get into a steady rhythm, enjoy the views to your right, then left, then right again!) 6/10 - http://app.strava.com/segments/627910

12. After the peak there really isn't a descent for a while, just a few more surprising climbs, nothing difficult though, just enough to swear at a little if your expecting a downhill break - 3/10

13. Just before Headley Common Road there is a small descent, but there is a VERY TIGHT left hairpin turn here so be aware.

14. Again a climb up the B0233, not hard (4/10) before you start going downhill, potentially very fast!

15. What I would say is there is a real nasty climb here - http://app.strava.com/segments/1875303 HOWEVER if you get enough speed on the straight downhill section just before (scary as you can get 40mph easy) you can coast about halfway up this road before you need to exert any energy!

16. Pretty flat with small incline leading to Leatherhead (3/10) - http://app.strava.com/segments/2745991

Road from Leatherhead to Cobham is pretty flat, nothing to worry about.

So, from Cobham - there are 3 sharp climbs that don't last very long so don't worry too much but be aware!

17. In Cobham after going round sharp roundabout you go on for a bit then sharp climb - 3/10 http://app.strava.com/activities/67112725#z6430|6503

18. After crossing A3 (major road) bridge slightly longer climb but again not bad - 4/10 - http://app.strava.com/activities/67112725#z6551|6610
Note: There is another climb straight after this, but get enough speed down the hill from 2 and you should roast it!

19. Just before Esher there is a 3rd climb, much like the second - 4/10 - http://app.strava.com/activities/67112725#z6665|6725

Once in Esher enjoy the downhill and FLAT!----->

20. Thru Kingston, when on Coombe Lane there is an unwelcome climb but is short and sharp - 5/10 - http://app.strava.com/activities/67112725#z7107|7175


21. Wimbledon to Wimbledon Village - That nasty SOB - 7/10 - http://app.strava.com/segments/653847


So when you get to Wimbledon Village you can start humming the Rocky music to yourself as victory is near, within 10 flat miles actually!

Easy bullet point summary

* Outward is easier than back inward, by quite some way.
* 1 hill in Richmond Park - Urgh
* Short hills after Weybridge - Meh
* Go easy on the gears from Ripley to West Horsely
* 25 Mile section from Newlands to Box Hill - ARRGGH
* When you see a downhill and an uphill after, SLAM THE HAMMER DOWN!
* Cobham to Esher - 3 climbs, not bad just unwelcome!
* Kingston hill - Ouch
* Wimbledon Hill - OOF!
* Rest FLAT.

Other Notes:

5 times marked on the map below are cut off points. You MUST reach this point by the time shown or you will be withdrawn from the race.

1. Hampton Court Palace: 10.30
2. Newlands Corner 13.00
3. Leatherhead 15.00
4. Sandown Park 15.30
5. Wimbledon Common - 16.15

In addition there are 3 shortcuts made available at a certain time that will become mandatory at the times below.

1. West Horsley 12.00
2. Abinger Hammer 12.30
3. Burford Bridge 13.30

I honestly wouldn't worry too much about these cut off times, pace yourself and keep above 12mph average for the route and your sorted!

Participant Map with my bullet point locations


Information Overload Map

This has all the key point locations, withdrawal times and shortcut deadline times all on the map.​


For those who want all the timings and shortcuts without the numbered bullet markers

Hopefully of some use!


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
Thank you @Nomadski

Absolutely superb and saved me hours of "riding" the route by Google Streetview.

Not one to wish my life away but really cannot wait for the next couple of weeks to pass. Looking forward to getting to the Excel and soaking up the pre-event atmosphere and then lining up on race day.


Senior Member
Great write up thanks.

I did Newlands, skipped Leith and went Box Hill instead today before circling back through Leatherhead and Cobham. The hill at Headley next to Tyrrell's Wood Golf Club is a bit of a pig but, as you say, the descent is fantastic.
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