RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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Legendary Member
I did a the 125 mile Wiggle Sportive on sunday with the misses. We booked this as rehearsal for the PRLS 100 event. We figured that if we could do that ride we'd be able to do the London ride. Well with 33degree heat( some of the roads were sticky it was so hot), 6500 feet of climbing and ten hours in the saddle ( we stopped off for lunch in a pub and we got a puncture) I reckon we are about ready for it. Bring it on, I can't wait!


Senior Member
THREE? They made a mistake and sent you the wrong one? Or their "Large" is a XS to other brands?

Seriously - they say their XXXL is for 50" chest and 6'6 height. I'm under both of those and it was too short and too tight.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
The climbing on your ride seems higher than the route I have on mapometer. Did you add in any extra hills. The whole route shoes at around 3,750 ft on mapometer, your 78 mile ride was well over 4,000 ft.

Well going from home to where I meet the RL route is a 245ft gain, but from Stratford along the route is approximately 377ft gain. When leaving the RL route to go home I actually lost 32ft but from the same point to finishing at The Mall we will gain an additional 196ft.

The actual elevation of the route I would take from Garmin Connects corrected elevation as this is GPS data cross referenced with professional land surveys so is about as accurate as we are likely to get. Strava had the whole thing as 4,543 ft whereas Garmin Connect's corrected data is 4,366 ft gained.

So (and there is a plus / minus discrepancy in here as the Kingston return route will be marginally different on the closed roads) an educated stab at the actual elevation figure for the whole route will be around the 4,660ft mark.

So yeah, mapometer was way out! The rest of the route was done on the exact route we will be doing , just from Weybridge round and back to Kingston is around 3,900 ft climbing!

We will know exactly what is in store once Garmin publish their TCX route to download, hopefully soon.


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm new to this site & taking part in the Prudential ride in a couple of weeks - eek
I'm a beginner & have never done anything like this before, my aim it so get around in the 9 hours & to enjoy it.^_^

I was wondering how you were all getting on with food while cycling, i'm finding a bit confusing with how much & what to eat, i don't want to 'bonk' but also i don't want to over eat. Are you just making sure you don't get hungry and if you do start feeling hungry eat something or take a gel?

I hope youre training is going well, it looks like it's going to be a great day


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Hi everyone, i'm new to this site & taking part in the Prudential ride in a couple of weeks - eek
I'm a beginner & have never done anything like this before, my aim it so get around in the 9 hours & to enjoy it.^_^

I was wondering how you were all getting on with food while cycling, i'm finding a bit confusing with how much & what to eat, i don't want to 'bonk' but also i don't want to over eat. Are you just making sure you don't get hungry and if you do start feeling hungry eat something or take a gel?

I hope youre training is going well, it looks like it's going to be a great day

There's quite a few hits of info in this thread, including nutritional guide links. Whatever you take with you, try before the big day to make sure there is no potential for bodily mishaps (!) take lots of water with perhaps some high5 tablets in them, and eat before you get hungry not after.

People have different takes on what works for them but nuts, bananas, haribo / jelly babies, gels seem to be the main things.

Personally in taking about 14 gels and a back pocket of haribo, with a high 5 in each of my two 800ml bottles.

Expect to refill a few times on the day, there are watering stops as well as food stops to get more gels if u run out.

But do try on a ride before August 4th.


Legendary Member
Hi everyone, i'm new to this site & taking part in the Prudential ride in a couple of weeks - eek
I'm a beginner & have never done anything like this before, my aim it so get around in the 9 hours & to enjoy it.^_^

I was wondering how you were all getting on with food while cycling, i'm finding a bit confusing with how much & what to eat, i don't want to 'bonk' but also i don't want to over eat. Are you just making sure you don't get hungry and if you do start feeling hungry eat something or take a gel?

I hope youre training is going well, it looks like it's going to be a great day

Take plenty to drink, especially if its hot,drink a little and often, every fifteen minutes or so works for me, and I eat something, even if its a handful of jelly babies every ten miles. Don't panic though, there will be loads of shops and pubs open on the route to buy grub.
Hi everyone, i'm new to this site & taking part in the Prudential ride in a couple of weeks - eek
I'm a beginner & have never done anything like this before, my aim it so get around in the 9 hours & to enjoy it.^_^

I was wondering how you were all getting on with food while cycling, i'm finding a bit confusing with how much & what to eat, i don't want to 'bonk' but also i don't want to over eat. Are you just making sure you don't get hungry and if you do start feeling hungry eat something or take a gel?

I hope youre training is going well, it looks like it's going to be a great day
Will be old school for me. Jam sandwiches for the ride with a couple of packets of jelly tots and some home made flap jacks. Will carry a few water tablets for refills with the aim of getting through a 750ml bottle at least every 20 miles.

Not sure what I'll have for breakfast yet - like most people on here I have an early start. Might just take something like a couple of bananas and cereal bar for the morning and load up the night before.


Über Member
For me pasta the night before. As early as I can I'll have an instant porridge. On the ride I plan a gel every 30 mins and a bottle with 1 and a half high5 zero tablets in per hour.

This approach worked for me on the 80 mile ride I did last weekend.


Evidence based cyclist
Take plenty to drink, especially if its hot,drink a little and often, every fifteen minutes or so works for me, and I eat something, even if its a handful of jelly babies every ten miles. Don't panic though, there will be loads of shops and pubs open on the route to buy grub.

Pint of beer it is then!


Über Member
Training has gone well this last few weeks. I did 80 miles on the weekend and my shorter mid week rides are getting easier. I've no doubt that I can ride the route. I am a bit concerned about the 4pm cut off at Wimbledon Common. Being stopped 6 miles from the end will be devastating.

My 80 miles was done with 6 hrs moving time with 2,500 ft climbing. With the extra climbing and the extra 20 miles I think I'm going to try to avoid stopping for more than about 5 mins at food stops if I am going to have any chance to get to the 94 mile point by 4pm especially as I don't start until 7:56.

I'm a big bloke but have done loads of training. There may a lot of people who may be caught out by this.

All of my rides have been solo. I'm not sure what impact riding in a group will have but that may help.
Training has gone well this last few weeks. I did 80 miles on the weekend and my shorter mid week rides are getting easier. I've no doubt that I can ride the route. I am a bit concerned about the 4pm cut off at Wimbledon Common. Being stopped 6 miles from the end will be devastating.

My 80 miles was done with 6 hrs moving time with 2,500 ft climbing. With the extra climbing and the extra 20 miles I think I'm going to try to avoid stopping for more than about 5 mins at food stops if I am going to have any chance to get to the 94 mile point by 4pm especially as I don't start until 7:56.

I'm a big bloke but have done loads of training. There may a lot of people who may be caught out by this.

You'll be fine. Work out the average mileage you need to do backwards (start with mile 100 and go back to mile 1), getting out of london into surrey you should be able to easily keep above your target, without tiring yourself out too much, from there on in it doesn't matter if you fall behind a bit. Stop for as long as you need, it's not a race.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Training has gone well this last few weeks. I did 80 miles on the weekend and my shorter mid week rides are getting easier. I've no doubt that I can ride the route. I am a bit concerned about the 4pm cut off at Wimbledon Common. Being stopped 6 miles from the end will be devastating.

My 80 miles was done with 6 hrs moving time with 2,500 ft climbing. With the extra climbing and the extra 20 miles I think I'm going to try to avoid stopping for more than about 5 mins at food stops if I am going to have any chance to get to the 94 mile point by 4pm especially as I don't start until 7:56.

I'm a big bloke but have done loads of training. There may a lot of people who may be caught out by this.

All of my rides have been solo. I'm not sure what impact riding in a group will have but that may help.

Like @themosquitoking said you will be fine bud. You have put in so much mileage in distance and climbing there really is fark all to worry about for RL. He knows me well and he reckons I'll be fine, and Im a million miles from your progress.

I dunno if you looked at my 78 miler ride last Sunday, but that was the fiercest part of the ride and I did it with a half decent time. With people around you it will be easier, get into a group going at a similar pace to your own and work a bit together.

Pace it, fuel up when needed, keep those gels going on a regular basis, and let the crowds cheers push you on.

I'm not sure how many people realise what a superb event this is really going to be, there's very little else on this scale in this country, or elsewhere for us amateurs, and I think once the adrenalin kicks in all the nerves and uncertainty will vanish and we will just push on and have an amazing day.

There's some wicked posters going up around London about it, it really is getting into gear now.

I cant feckin wait!
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