De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
- Location
- Northumberland
I prefer the certainty of my low-tech solution.
The reason it's a "no" (and to give us some solidarity in our misery) is, I think, because there could be 20 red hats, or 20 black hats, or any combination thereof. So the prisoner can't look at the ones in front and determine his hat colour.....I think.
If you can explain my "no" I would appreciate it !
Prisoners On Death Row
You are one of 20 prisoners on death row with the execution date set for tomorrow.
Your king is a ruthless man who likes to toy with his people's miseries. He comes to your cell today and tells you:
“I’m gonna give you prisoners a chance to go free tomorrow. You will all stand in a row (queue) before the executioner and we will put a hat on your head, either a red or a black one. Of course you will not be able to see the color of your own hat; you will only be able to see the prisoners in front of you with their hats on; you will not be allowed to look back or communicate together in any way (talking, touching.....)
(The prisoner in the back will be able to see the 19 prisoners in front of him
The one in front of him will be able to see 18…)
Starting with the last person in the row, the one who can see everybody in front of him, he will be asked a simple question:WHAT IS THE COLOR OF YOUR HAT?
He will be only allowed to answer “BLACK” or “RED”. If he says anything else you will ALL be executed immediately.
If he guesses the right color of the hat on his head he is set free, otherwise he is put to death. And we move on to the one in front of him and ask him the same question and so on…
Well, good luck tomorrow, HA HA HA HA HA HA!”
Now since you all can communicate freely during the night, can you find a way to guarantee the freedom of some prisoners tomorrow?
How many will win their freedom?
Second attempt
Back man knows nothing so guesses 50/50
BUT he can see the colour of the man in front .
They prisoners can devise a code to call the colour of the hat in front when they call their own. So for example "Hat Black" could mean the man in front is red while "Black hat" means the one in front is black.
Each then can call their own colour as they have been informed by the one behind and also tell the one in front his colour.
First man is on 50/50 but all the rest walk free.
Just posted this and seen AC has got the same answer already.
Robotic Enigma
Three robots A, B, and C are called, in some order, True (T), False (F) and Random (R).
(T) is programmed to speaks truly, (F) falsely, but whether (R) speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter.
The robots can answer only YES or NO. Each robot is equipped with two small lamps - red and white.
When a robot responds – the red light lights up, but you do not know he said YES or NO. When there is no answer – lights up the white light.
Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking no more than three questions; each question must be put to exactly one robot.
Tuesday.An Odd Liar
Richard is a strange liar. He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day, he always tells the truth. He made the following statements on three successive days:
Day 1: "I lie on Monday and Tuesday."
Day 2: "Today, it's Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday."
Day 3: "I lie on Wednesday and Friday."
The Question: On which day does Richard tell the truth?
Three Question Quickie
Q: Twelve. A: Six.
Q: Six. A: Three.
Q: Four. A: ?