Reporting mobile use while driving

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New Member
I saw details of a study that found high levels of traffic policing did indeed do that. I didn't keep a link unfortunately. Maybe someone else on here has that?

Ok, but I don't quite see how the above and your original post are which I quoted are linked.

High levels of traffic Policing I suppose could reduce levels of mobile phone use as the Police are there as a punitive measure should they catch someone and word will spread.

I don't see how this can be integrated into cyclists filming and reporting, especially as it would apppear from reading the thread on the 'Silks' blog that video cameras are not being used as evidence as they are not objectionable.

I think you have confused matters here with all due respect. Cyclists filming and reporting drivers will not have the same impact as the Police pulling them over and giving them a ticket.

Citing such actions by cyclists and saying they will have an impact due to high traffic policing is a strawman.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Well, it's true that camera cyclists are not the same as police action, but there is some considerable merit to the idea that a shaming on YouTube is actually much more publicly painful than points and a court appearance. In the end it doesn't really matter which is more painful, as both bring consequences home to the driver. Bringing consequences that cause pain is what changes driver behaviour.

If you look at a company liveried vehicle, the consequences of a YouTube shaming can be far more severe than any police action.
Looking at some of the other members comments about my posts I didn't realize you can only voice one point of view and that is yours.I just take a more laid back & less intense attitude towards these things and try to enjoy every moment of every day.I dont want to live in a Gestapo type state and I dont want to grass my own mum or dad up for using a mobile when driving as some members would.
As for not understanding the way the government collects and spends it's taxes I certainly know the way they collect it and waste it when they spend it.
I drive to work 650 miles a week ( no other choice ) and pay 62 % tax on every gallon of fuel I buy this equates to about £ 48 per week in fuel tax,so please don't try and tell me that the cyclists pays equal amounts into the proverbial pot they don't ! I would like to know how many members think they should pay road tax for their bike ?

I drink beer and pay 38% of the price of a pint of beer in tax...... my wife who drinks coffee in the pub, so deosn't ay this tax. Is it unfair that she uses the same Pub?

You pay tax on fuel because you use fuel, in the same way as I choose to drink beer. The difference is that I do not bleat about it expect my beer to be subsidised by others.

As for "road tax" it is properly VED, and cyclist are in Class A along with all vehicles with emissions of less than 100g Co2 per mile..... are you suggesting that we have a special rate for cycists outside the normal calculations?

As for the members who think I am not a cyclist I cycle every day (7 days a week ) I used to run every day before that.I am now 64 years old and have a laid back attitude to life I have seen lots of changes over the years some good some bad and the one thing I have learned is not to swallow all the spin and lies the politicians feed us and most of all to enjoy my cycling and not go looking to report some other human being for minor misdemeanour's you all seem to me to need to chill-out a bit and enjoy your cycle to work.

If I report something it is because t is dangerous and the person needs to be taken to task. If you feel that bad driving and endangering others is unacceptable then you are entitled to that opinion, but do not expect others to share it. Personally I have a 100% hit rate. Every driver I have reported has been subsequently the sunject of formal censure such as a fine or points on their license

Last but not least the next time you are trying to beat your cycle to work best ever time think of the poor homeless person in a shop doorway.get off your bike give them your sandwiches & and a couple of quid this will help them and you. It might even get you out of the me me me attitude.
or.... Last but not least the next time you are trying to drive to work, think of the poor homeless person in a shop doorway.Stop your car, give them your sandwiches & and a couple of quid this will help them and you. It might even get you out of the me me me attitude, and realise that by actually doing something about dangerous drivers you are helping others by making the roads safer

On a side note I went to box hill last Saturday for a family picnic and was looking forward to zooming up Zigzag road in my car ( the Olympic route ) but I couldn't because of all the bloody cyclists hundreds of them riding two abreast (there were signs saying single file for cyclists )
did I moan No I just laughed and thought of you lot on here.
have a good day
Considerate of you "zooming up" a single track road with poor visibility, narrow and with difficult corners.... perhaps those cyclists saved you from injuring someone and being reported for your poor driving?
I didn't realize you can only voice one point of view and that is yours.I just take a more laid back & less intense attitude towards these things and try to enjoy every moment of every day.I dont want to live in a Gestapo type state

While you are laid back, and enjoying the benefits of your cycling, how about a word of appreciation for cycle cammers who put a bit of effort into making the roads just a little bit safer for you and me?

I have (as of today) 200 clips on Youtube. Reported every one? No way - but this is a rough tally.
  • 20 are pure celebration of the pure fun (and humour) I find in cycling.
  • 10+ of my videos have led to commendations for individual bus/commercial drivers.
  • 30+ have led to police letters to drivers (and a large proportion of those letters have been delivered in person by a senior police officer to their home or employer, so that he could give "words of advice").
  • 20+ of those videos have led to employers "having words" with their driver.
  • 1 of those videos has led to a taxi driver being issued with a 3 page warning letter.
  • a particular series of videos has led to a public hire firm substantially cleaning up their drivers' act (with a proviso - the company knows where I live, and now pretty much avoid that area; when they do come close to my area, I'm pretty recognisable, even from behind - it may just be me they're giving preferential treatment to).
  • and the impact of 1 of those videos has resulted in a major national employer recommending that cycle-awareness be included as an integral part of their programme of two-yearly assessment and training for their drivers.
While you're sitting in comfort at a keyboard, wittering about a "Gestapo type state", some of us are actually doing something positive. I'm not in any way suggesting that you should be joining in and doing your bit with a camera - but I will tell you .......... don't p!ss on the guys who are doing their bit for your safety.


Nr Cambridge
Wednesday 11th July - VN02 BHK - dark blue Ford Ka, chesterton road approx 8am, female 20-23 years, mobile glued to her right ear. Then has to stop in traffic. WHACK! on the roof. Boy did it give her a fright and the lorry driver behind tooted and did a big thumbs up to me. she gave me a middle fingered salute with a loud "F**k you!" I waived back.

Tonight 13th July - Y124 SUR silver Volvo another woman driver with mobile phone glued to her ear as she drove up castle hill. Women seem to be in the majority dialing and driving around Cambridge.

This evening I saw a male driver in a huge people carrier type vehicle using a laptop which was on his lap as he drove along the A14 in the outside lane. Frightening.
I am now doing a bit of research so here are 3 Questions for the camera wielding cyclists

1. Would you report your mother or father for using a mobile while driving ?
2. If you are a car driver have you ever driven over the speed limit ?
3. do you smoke ?

I would like to see a bit of honesty in the answers please.


Smoking is an interesting one... to use your own analogy...

The non smoking community me included pays F### All towards the hospitals if it wasn't for the smoker revenue income tax and vat would be astronomical.

I smoke 400 fags a week and pay 69 % tax on every pack I buy this equates to about £ 40 per week in tobacco tax,so please don't try and tell me that the non-smokers pays equal amounts into the proverbial pot they don't ! I would like to know how many members think they should pay a subsidiary tax ?


Well-Known Member
What I was trying to find out was is there a connection between non smoking and grassing up you parents.
I do not smoke myself but I agree you get a raw deal from all sides ,I think places of work /pubs should be allowed to have rooms for smokers.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
..and yet again that flies in the evidence supporting the ban on smoking in enclosed public places. That has had one of the biggest positive effects on public health of any intervention for some time, I believe.

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
..and yet again that flies in the evidence supporting the ban on smoking in enclosed public places. That has had one of the biggest positive effects on public health of any intervention for some time, I believe.

They all smoke round the bike racks at Waterloo now,can't say I like it and the place looks filthy.
What I was trying to find out was is there a connection between non smoking and grassing up you parents.
I do not smoke myself but I agree you get a raw deal from all sides ,I think places of work /pubs should be allowed to have rooms for smokers.

For once I am quite willing to advocate helmets!



Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Wednesday 11th July - VN02 BHK - dark blue Ford Ka, chesterton road approx 8am, female 20-23 years, mobile glued to her right ear. Then has to stop in traffic. WHACK! on the roof. Boy did it give her a fright and the lorry driver behind tooted and did a big thumbs up to me. she gave me a middle fingered salute with a loud "F**k you!" I waived back.

Tonight 13th July - Y124 SUR silver Volvo another woman driver with mobile phone glued to her ear as she drove up castle hill. Women seem to be in the majority dialing and driving around Cambridge.

This evening I saw a male driver in a huge people carrier type vehicle using a laptop which was on his lap as he drove along the A14 in the outside lane. Frightening.

Yeah I see that,shocking,they are all hypocrites.
What about Sean Yates today, driving, speaking into a microphone and apparently watching a video feed of the final moments.
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