Translation: I was trolling to provoke a reaction.
Looking at some of the other members comments about my posts I didn't realize you can only voice one point of view and that is yours.I just take a more laid back & less intense attitude towards these things and try to enjoy every moment of every day.I dont want to live in a Gestapo type state and I dont want to grass my own mum or dad up for using a mobile when driving as some members would.
As for not understanding the way the government collects and spends it's taxes I certainly know the way they collect it and waste it when they spend it.
I drive to work 650 miles a week ( no other choice ) and pay 62 % tax on every gallon of fuel I buy this equates to about £ 48 per week in fuel tax,so please don't try and tell me that the cyclists pays equal amounts into the proverbial pot they don't ! I would like to know how many members think they should pay road tax for their bike ?
As for the members who think I am not a cyclist I cycle every day (7 days a week ) I used to run every day before that.I am now 64 years old and have a laid back attitude to life I have seen lots of changes over the years some good some bad and the one thing I have learned is not to swallow all the spin and lies the politicians feed us and most of all to enjoy my cycling and not go looking to report some other human being for minor misdemeanour's you all seem to me to need to chill-out a bit and enjoy your cycle to work.
Last but not least the next time you are trying to beat your cycle to work best ever time think of the poor homeless person in a shop doorway.get off your bike give them your sandwiches & and a couple of quid this will help them and you. It might even get you out of the me me me attitude.
On a side note I went to box hill last Saturday for a family picnic and was looking forward to zooming up Zigzag road in my car ( the Olympic route ) but I couldn't because of all the bloody cyclists hundreds of them riding two abreast (there were signs saying single file for cyclists )
did I moan No I just laughed and thought of you lot on here.
have a good day