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- Cambridgeshire, UK
Thanks. That's another couple of authors to look out for.
As for 50 Shades... that's the sort of thing I avoid on principle. If EVERYONE is reading it there's no way I'm going to! Took me ages to get round to Dan Brown. He's good at setting up a "page turner" but I think his writing is rubbish.
Technically, 50 Shades should never have been published, as it's effectively fan fiction set in the "Twilight" universe. How the hell the author got around that, I don't know, because fanfic is strictly not-for-profit, because you're playing in someone else's sandbox. Either way, 50 Shades is dreadful - not the subject matter as such, but the use of language. It's just badly written, end of.
Jean M Auel hits the sweet spot with her 4th book in the series (The Plains of Passage) - oddly, it was the first one I read, after having picked it up for 20p in a charity shop because I was curious. The sixth and final book is rather meh, because it just gets too repetitive.
I've currently got two of the Miles Vorkosigan books on the go - the first one "Cordelia's Honour" which is actually two books (Shards of Honour and Barrayar), and the penultimate one "Captain Vorpatril's Alliance" which is hysterically funny. Space opera, politics and an astute observation of the Human condition, all rolled into one.
Jack Chalker's "Well of Souls" series is engrossing, although it's very odd in places. It's classic mid-to-late 70s sci-fi though.