The never-ending Kindle debate is fascinating in its own right. 😁
We've been using them virtually since they came out and can see zero downsides. I am a heavy reader although mightily eclipsed by Mrs SD who ploughs through a prodigious number of weighty non-trash novels each year.
We know a good number of people who trotted out the anti-Kindle mantra of 'I prefer the feel of a real book in my hands' who have taken to Kindling like a duck to water once they got beyond their knee-jerk ignorance.
Each to their own but what exactly is this wonderful feeling of having a book in your hands? It's just a bunch of paper sheets bound together. Do those who enjoy such things sit in there offices etc fondling reams of printing paper? Come on, it's just plain silly when you think about it.
Another Cliche trot-out is "the battery runs out on them". No ***t Sherlock! Of course they do - did that stop you buying a mobile phone? No, of course not.
For the record my Paperwhite lasts a couple of weeks per charge.
At the end of the day if you genuinely enjoy the bookshop experience and are happy to pay the crazy prices they charge then the Kindle is not going to replicate that experience for you.
Ditto, a Kindle is not the tool for cookbooks or coffee table books. But...
... the Kindle is an amazing, lightweight, eyeball friendly device that can access a vast library of books from most places that you will find yourself and that's without using its prodigious storage capabilities.
Other upsides: can be clearly read in full sun, has a superb back-light (Paperwhite version) and can easily be read in a bedroom with room lights fully doused with no impact on a snoozing partner, Kindle Unlimited - for just 9 notes a month you can borrow 20 selected (from hundreds and hundreds available) titles at any one time that are downloaded to your device, books are so much cheaper than bricks and mortar purchases, I can rummage through the entire Kindle library from my device, phone, tablet, Lappie whenever I want. I don't use the auto-sync feature but Mrs SD has two Paperwhites in different locations and the feature is invaluable. You can also rapidly save extracts for discussion or share a nice piece of inspirational text easily. And the simple expedient of press and holding a word brings up its definition - simply brilliant.
Seriously, what is not too like?