Reading - books or ereader (other kindles are available)!

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Early Retirement Planning
If I'm honest, both. I have plenty of books which I still read over and over, but the Kindle is great for older classics which are generally free, I think I've only ever paid for 1 book on the Kindle ^_^
You CAN... Look at the cover picture on the left of the Amazon Kindle listing. There will (usually?) be a 'Look inside' link that you can click on. It doesn't let you skim through the entire book but you should get a few pages worth. For example...

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yep and you can download those previews as samples.
You can borrow e books from your local library. You just need to register.
yep - I'm on several. Only drawback is some won't let you renew if someone else in god knows where wants it. Risky if you read several books at a time. You can be part way through/approaching the end of a book when it disappears not to be available again for weeks/months,


We have books to read in bus shelters and old phone boxes in local villages. Go for a bike ride, stop and read a few pages, mark your spot, and hide the book for next time.
My aunt and uncle ran a newsagents and book shop for many years.

Over a period of time they observed one "customer" who came in every morning and read a chapter of a novel, marked his place and left.

When he had finished two books in this manner and had moved on to a third, they waited until he had read the penultimate chapter and then took the book and set it in a prominent position above the cigarette display behind the counter.

When he came in the following morning he looked and looked before spotting his book behind the counter. He loitered at the counter for ages and they asked if he needed some help but he said no. He then left and was never seen again.


back and brave
Books for me too. I have a Sony Reader but I never got on with it - seemed like a good idea at the time.

Libraries can overwhelm me so I often only borrow from them if I have a particular title in mind. For some weird and wonderful reason, I can't browse in a library. I take recommendations from newspaper reviews etc, anything that catches my eye/mind, and see if the library has it.

2nd hand shops however, I love. They are my preferred location for books. I can browse there. I suppose it's the limited choice - and the 'pot luck' element. Every now and again, I'll come across a title that I've remembered from somewhere, a book that "I've always meant to read"... that's lovely. Like finding treasure.

Only very rarely do I buy new, and even rarer still that it's hardback.


Legendary Member
I like my gadgets so have a Kindle Oasis. I only read sporadically though but once I get back into it I enjoy it. I am inclined to stick to mostly crime/thriller types and have a few favourite authors that I often download the whole series and read my way through. At least it doesn't take up much room when you're not using it.


Legendary Member
I like the idea of kobe and I heard there's good ereaders from Sony too. However amazon and kindle is easier since I'm already into the amazon ecosystem with prime.

With kobe, are they linked to Barnes and Noble in America? Can you load kindle books or is it a complete break? If tied in to B&N is that much different to kindle in that even kindle can display other formats such as free to access pdf books.

Borrow box is annoying with the kindle though. If or when my kindle goes again I might look at other ereaders. Mind you I do have some expensive books on kindle that I really don't want to have to buy again so perhaps the benefits need to be greater.

BTW with prime you get free books and some are actually best sellers too:rolleyes:

Kobo is not restricted to any particular supplier, any book in e-pub (and possibly other formats, I haven't looked into it lately) format will work fine.
If you only get books via the Kobo store on your device then yes you can only get what they sell, but via a PC you have access to much more.
You can even buy Kindle books from Amazon, download to PC, then convert to e-pub using Calibre software with the Apprentice Alf de-DRM plug-in.

Time Waster

Kobo, not kobe.

Apparently it's an anagram, but I can't see it.
Yes I know but I've been dealing with a Kobe a lot today so it's got stuck in my mind and on autopilot or autotype I keep putting kobe. I correct it when noticed but always get one through. 😆
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