WRT to drivers, especially professional drivers, the test of their worth is how patient they are, particularly when provoked by other road users.
Other than externally observing HGV drivers, many of who are some of the most patient drivers on the road, I can recall a ride from Manchester to Felixstowe in the passenger seat of an HGV. It was fascinating to watch the crazy antics of some car drivers from on high. A particular favourite was overtaking the HGV just before they exited on a slip road, often braking just in front of it. It must have been tempting to give them a blast on the horn but my chauffeur just got on with the job, unmoved. Quality.
Getting back to the OP.Having revisited the video, it seems to me that the passenger understood perfectly well that they'd committed a crime by deliberately ramming the cyclist, she gets out and mouths off, in order to shift the blame onto the cyclist by saying that he veered into their path instead of doing as he did, indicating his intention and correctly moving into position.
Bad luck for her that her lie was blown out of the water by the cyclist's camera recording the true facts. Given the police response, I'd say only his camera may have prevented them from succeeding in putting the blame squarely on the cyclist!