Yes. I caught up to a pair of riders, one on a MTB, one on a hybrid. I wasn't far off just riding by when they looked round and sped up. I just carried on. The MTBer cracked first, the hybrid was off up the road. I just carried on and gave the MTB rider a wave as I went past. Hybrid guy wilted on the next incline and I finished him off on the descent afterwards.Anyone overtaken another cyclist just because you want to pass them and they see it as a signal as a race and they try to over take you, draft behind you, get out of their saddle and sprint after you?
Yes, I've had that a lot. Some cyclists have very fragile egos, and think you're overtaking them as a dareAnyone overtaken another cyclist just because you want to pass them and they see it as a signal as a race and they try to over take you, draft behind you, get out of their saddle and sprint after you?