Questions you'd like answering, regardless of how trivial they may seem

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Much neater than my cheater!
We have a winner ( subject to approval from @Ming the Merciless ).

Joint effort because I basically copied your method but got to the 2 a different way.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I bough a turnip along with other items this evening in a supermarket. The lad on the checkout asked what it was. He said, sounding embarrassed, that he doesn't eat fresh veg' so he never sees such things, apart from when working on the checkouts. I told him it was a turnip. He looked it up on his screen then weighed the object. My question is with all this technology these days, why doesn't the computerised checkout thingy recognise unmarked items like loose/unpackaged fruit and veg to save the person working the checkout such embarrassment, if they don't recognise easy recognisable to most folk items like turnips ? 🤔
I bough a turnip along with other items this evening in a supermarket. The lad on the checkout asked what it was. He said, sounding embarrassed, that he doesn't eat fresh veg' so he never sees such things, apart from when working on the checkouts. I told him it was a turnip. He looked it up on his screen then weighed the object. My question is with all this technology these days, why doesn't the computerised checkout thingy recognise unmarked items like loose/unpackaged fruit and veg to save the person working the checkout such embarrassment, if they don't recognise easy recognisable to most folk items like turnips ? 🤔

But what if someone with an exceptionally-ugly baby came through the checkout, and the computerised checkout thingy told the till operator that the customer was holding a large kohl-rabi? So the till operator, without looking up, asked 'did you weigh it?', and the answer proudly given was eight pounds fourteen ounces ...

By 'eck, that's one for't Guinness Book of Records eh!


How do you move a airliner that careers off the runway? Is the grass a natural skid arrester?
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