The jury's out after Brighton, mind...
But I don't want to go on the cart ...
The jury's out after Brighton, mind...
Who is ignorant?
Perhaps not a general ignorance, but there is a clear lack of awareness on this thread of scientific data and statistical evidence related to cycle helmet usage.Who is ignorant?
My concern is the continuing subtext of legislation.
From what I remember of the piece all of the people who had been saved by their helmets had been victims of poor driving.
Criminalising victims for not protecting themselves would be extremely poor law.
i was amazed when i received a new helmet and a letter informing me that the damage to my helmet almost certainly saved my life as they do some sort of damage analysis that occurred to the helmet and they can work out the force impact to the helmet due to the type of crack in the polystyrene.
I didn't see the article but having dealt - at work - with two pedal cyclists involved in low speed collisions where both were brain damaged - one severely ... I am more comfortable wearing a helmet !
Both the collisions were minor enough that I am more than confident a helmet would have stopped the terrible injury they suffered. The HEMS Doctor who treated the more serious one said he doubted it would have been any more than minor grazes and an exchange of details.
"It's selfish of anyone not to wear a helmet"....
true true
If you get injured, its not just you who's going to bear the weight but as well as your loved ones...
Assuming you work in the medical arena, how many pedestrians and drivers have you had to deal with with head injuries. And would you and the HEMS doctor even consider suggesting to them or their families that their injuries could have been less if they'd been wearing a helmet? Only your HEMS doctor certainly will see about twenty times as many pedestrian and driver head injuries as cyclist.