Fab Foodie
hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
- Location
- Kirton, Devon.
Omega 3 tabs are worth taking, look for the ones with the most DHA and EPA for your buck. There's no danger of OD'ing on fish oils!
Nice to see these replies folks. I have to take anti-depressants (high dosage) and find it quite easy to talk about it, not only on line but face to face for those who need to know.
I think, as already said, you have to come to terms with it and to even admit to yourself that there is a problem is a huge challenge for most folk. I was so blind to the fact that I had a problem until one day when I had blown up again!!!! I gave myself a choice, loose everything I had, loved, cherished and up until that very point in time, lived for, or do something about it.
The "something about it" in my case was professional help and meds and since that time I have never looked back.
I am much happier and OK, my life will never be the same, but I lose myself in everything that gives me a high, be it family, our pets, music or the good old cycling. There is a lot to be said about the "healthy body/healthy mind" in my opinion
I've set my sights on time trialling in 2010, will I get there? Who knows, as I have arrived at stage in my life when what I can't do today, I do tomorrow
I have referred to the "problem" in this reply, it is only this if you let it be
Another update, another thread 'bump'...
All I can say is, the 'D' is less than it was...
After searching the forum and finding this, and after some thought, I've decided to add to and 'bump' the thread.
Just been started on Citalopram (20mg). Not finding it easy. Don't want to say too much at present.
IMO, the single worst thing about helping non-sufferers to understand depression is that depression does not mean being depressed.My first thought was ....don't be sodding stupid..what have I got to be depressed about...
Time is the healer.
It was a shock to be diagnosed with depression, as I didn't see myself as that "type" and I got comfort both that I wasn't the only one and that there was no such thing as a "type" from books.
start posting some of your fantastic space images again.
We touched on anger, and I showed her the stuff - off of another place - which I mentioned earlier. She said she gets a lot of this, it's a major part of her workload, bullying on FB and the like. The internet age!I said I want to handle my own reactions better. Anyway I'm supposed to do a private write-up, a sort of testimonial, saying my thoughts about all the stuff and how I'd like it to turn out. Which isn't how it will or ought to turn out of course.
IMO, the single worst thing about helping non-sufferers to understand depression is that depression does not mean being depressed.
Being depressed is, for me, a short term feeling brought about from opening the post, listening to the news, waking up on Monday morning etc.
Depression is a long term mental health issue.
There is no equivalence, one does not lead to the other in either direction in that non-depressed people can get pissed off and depressed people can make great company for an evening.
There are as many causes of depression as there are sufferers and many of those sufferers just have a chemical imbalance which drugs can help resolve.
Have I achieved something? I'm finding I'm able to work more steadily at my - well, work - without lapsing into a sort of mental torpor after only a few tens of minutes. That must count for something.
As for the anger thingy, yes we talked a fair bit about that. I'm to try two different approaches towards easing off the stuff going around in my head, but I'm not supposed to go public on exactly what, not for now. But this stuff is easing off of its own accord, anyway. Time is the healer. I've even edited a post I made earlier in this thread, the angry stuff I put down then, is not what's in my mind to say, now. We shall see.