Hey tt (and anyone else out there....)
In my experience, being hard on yourself is a) common to fellow depressives (and myself), and b) probably the worst thing we could do to ourselves.
Yeah..... 'I have nothing to be depressed about / other people have worse things going on than I do / I should be able to pull myself together / other people don't react to crap like I do....etc ad infinitum....
We can be harder on ourselves than anyone else can, and it's hard to give ourselves a break. But we kinda need to, cos beating ourselves over the head only makes us feel worse, and then we feel guilty cos we feel crap, and then we beat ourselves up even more, and so the cycle goes on.
Not good.
We need to be patient, and remember that it takes time to recover from depression. It's not always a quick fix (much as we'd like it to be). And remember that for a while we might react more sensitively / erratically / whatever-ly to things, cos our mood is a bit all over the place. And also remember that we may not be the same people we were when we come out the other side of this. Depression changes people - it's certainly changed me. You learn stuff about yourself that you might not want to learn, but ultimately, if it helps you live 'better' (i.e you live in a way that suits you more, and not how you think other people think you should live) then it can only be a good thing.