What is most amusing for me is the "other measures are in place" dismissal for anything that does not suit the cycle helmet agenda
This is exactly the point!
Anyone with the most basic knowledge would realise that helmets as PPE should be the last, and not the first measure.
Safer driving, better road conditions, road user training, tougher enforcement and a "no tolerance" policy for minor motoring offences along with awhile spectrum of other measures should be considered first
Helmets are merely a sticking plaster that attempts to absolve reponsibility for real and effective road safety measures.
This is exactly the point!
Anyone with the most basic knowledge would realise that helmets as PPE should be the last, and not the first measure.
Safer driving, better road conditions, road user training, tougher enforcement and a "no tolerance" policy for minor motoring offences along with awhile spectrum of other measures should be considered first
Helmets are merely a sticking plaster that attempts to absolve reponsibility for real and effective road safety measures.