It pi55e5 me off because it costs me money through the taxation system. Do you not resent paying out money for someone else's stupidity?
What is the basis for saying that it costs you money? Costs you money compared to what? Stupidity compared to who?
I hope you'll excuse me re-posting something I wrote a few days ago, with a few additions to make it more relevant here.
1) No proof that they reduce death or injury statistics
2) Even if a piece of polystyrene on the head might help, it is only in limited circumstances and only, obviously, helps with head injuries
3) Risk transference, with evidence that cars pass closer to helmeted cyclists
4) The possibility that the increased size of a helmeted head might mean it would hit something that a bare scalp would miss
5) Helmets have snag points, which might make injuries worse
6) Many helmets are badly fitted, thus rendering them even more likely to be useless or dangerous
7) Helmets make cycling appear dangerous, and it isn't as cyclists live longer, on average, than non-cyclists. Making helmet use compulsory could, therefore, increase the population mortality by putting people off cycling.
8) Helmets help most with single-vehicle accidents. Involve anything motorised and the chances of any actual benefit are reduced because of the chance of other fatal injuries
9) The dangers on the road, to cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders come from motorised vehicles. Making cars and lorries safer, through design, training and a new attitude to those who use them as weapons.
Further to point 1, do you have anything that can show it is anything other than a "religious belief"? Any real evidence other than a few apocryphal one-sided tales?
Further to points 2, 4 and 5, what would you do, titan, for those cyclists who have injuries which were caused by or exaccerbated by their wearing a helmet?
Further to points 3, 8 and 9, should your wrath not be targeted at those who actually create the danger?
Further to point 6, will you also excluse those who have face or neck injuries because their helmets were incorrectly fitted?
Further to point 7, will you give all cyclists tax refunds because we live, on average, 10 years longer than non-cyclists?
Does your solution also exclude from NHS care anyone who takes a risk greater than you consider acceptable? I know a fisherman who is quadraplegic because he stumbled on a rock underwater, is he to be excluded? Sailors? Windsurfers? Anyone who takes part in competitive sport? Anyone who goes out for a drink? All of those are more risky than riding a bike without a helmet.