Hi Guys,
Great to see some thread about P.Sagan and see how actually people see him celebrating his victories and calling him arrogant without the respect another cyclists.I was born the same city and did the same secondary school as his brother Juraj so I know them quiet well.First of all they are very simply guys and specially Peter just love and need always fun.I think his celebration are suit more in group of younger crazy guys who try to do fun each other when they win race.I understand older guys and specially cyclist stars like Fabian Ch.doesn't understand it which is fine.
One more thing and I think very important one:Peter loves cycling with his heart.It is sound like a Fraze but from his region is a few guys in pro tour teams and they are definitely different I mean different how they look on cycling,races and winning.They see cycling more like a job and making some money.Peter see cycling with his heart he needs to have fun because of his personality.I hope he will keep this for very long.Peter Sagan definitely respect very well every person(otherwise his Mum will be smack him

)) but I will be not surprise if he wants to make time to time some fun from stars like Fabian and specially if he knows how he will react

)))))anyway this is first year when people look at him like a new star but I think as I know his parents they will keep him on the ground as they have quiet close relationship.He is only 23 but mentally he is even younger.So better if people see him more in this way.Crazy young kid who really love fun and doing crazy things.
Apologize in advance if my post is full of mistakes but English is not my mother language.Peter doesn't need any defenc. from my side this post was more about first try to understand culture where is come from,from what family ,his real personality etc.When you see him you always watching very very simply guy and very young boy.