Peter Sagan

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back and brave
I think Cav has already summed this up.

If you agree with him!

Cavendish gave his opinion. It might be an opinion people agree with and it might not be. Either way, I don't feel it's correct to say that he summed up the situation.

It's perhaps more accurate to say 'Cav summed it up for those who agree with him'. ;) Which obviously many here do. For myself, I kind of sit in the middle - as I said, Sagan makes me smile (more importantly I think he's an exciting and fresh new talent) but I can see how he might annoy people. Marmite anyone?


I think Cav has already summed this up. Sagan can do what he likes as long as rides as awesomely as he does - and he'll ride even better once he learns a fuller range of tactics. I can't believe people are so frickin miserable about riders who add colour to a peloton which is generally quite anonymous.

So anyone not a fan is 'frickin miserable'? That's bizarre.

Frankly, cycling is in some state if making a wacky face is adding colour.

Who knew Sagan had so many boyfriends!


If you agree with him!

Cavendish gave his opinion. It might be an opinion people agree with and it might not be. Either way, I don't feel it's correct to say that he summed up the situation.

It's perhaps more accurate to say 'Cav summed it up for those who agree with him'. ;) Which obviously many here do. For myself, I kind of sit in the middle - as I said, Sagan makes me smile (more importantly I think he's an exciting and fresh new talent) but I can see how he might annoy people. Marmite anyone?

You did notice the 'I think' at the beginning of my comment? Kinda makes the rest of your post rather unnecessary.


back and brave
You did notice the 'I think' at the beginning of my comment?

Yes. Did you notice I removed your name from the quote?

That was deliberately done in an attempt to indicate that I wasn't intending to quote you directly but more to address the point generally. The first draft of my reply addressed you directly but I axed it for the purposes of brevity. In that context, my reply stands - Cavendish only summed it up if you happen to agree with him. And I accept you, and many others, agree with Cavendish.

My point generally was that it's something that there'll never be agreement on. That was my take. I don't have a strong feeling either way on the subject. Certainly not sufficiently to become dismissive of others, much less abusive, over.


He's like a boxer....they love to showboat, but it's not the real him. I'd bet he's actually quite quiet and a nice guy to be around, fun too. I like him, as not only is he a prodigious talent, but he's having fun with it, after all he's only young once and this could all be over very quickly. All it takes is one bad crash and a career can be in ruins, so in my it up Pete and enjoy.


nr cambridge

how do you do that? that is billiant!


Hi Guys,
Great to see some thread about P.Sagan and see how actually people see him celebrating his victories and calling him arrogant without the respect another cyclists.I was born the same city and did the same secondary school as his brother Juraj so I know them quiet well.First of all they are very simply guys and specially Peter just love and need always fun.I think his celebration are suit more in group of younger crazy guys who try to do fun each other when they win race.I understand older guys and specially cyclist stars like Fabian Ch.doesn't understand it which is fine.
One more thing and I think very important one:Peter loves cycling with his heart.It is sound like a Fraze but from his region is a few guys in pro tour teams and they are definitely different I mean different how they look on cycling,races and winning.They see cycling more like a job and making some money.Peter see cycling with his heart he needs to have fun because of his personality.I hope he will keep this for very long.Peter Sagan definitely respect very well every person(otherwise his Mum will be smack him:smile:)) but I will be not surprise if he wants to make time to time some fun from stars like Fabian and specially if he knows how he will react:smile:)))))anyway this is first year when people look at him like a new star but I think as I know his parents they will keep him on the ground as they have quiet close relationship.He is only 23 but mentally he is even younger.So better if people see him more in this way.Crazy young kid who really love fun and doing crazy things.

Apologize in advance if my post is full of mistakes but English is not my mother language.Peter doesn't need any defenc. from my side this post was more about first try to understand culture where is come from,from what family ,his real personality etc.When you see him you always watching very very simply guy and very young boy.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am looking forward to watching Peter Sagan race for many years to come! Okay, he shows off when he wins, but he has a lot to show off about.

Were they complaining when Cavendish bunny hopped the finish line when he won a Vuelta stage in 2010 ...? :whistle:



Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Peter just love and need always fun.I think his celebration are suit more in group of younger crazy guys who try to do fun each other when they win race.I understand older guys and specially cyclist stars like Fabian Ch.doesn't understand it which is fine.

This is spot on. I think the reason I like Sagan is that everything he does is with a genuine sense of fun. He's not setting out to deliberately upset other riders. But while he's having fun, he still treats bike racing seriously enough and works extremely hard at it.

I can think of other "characters" from the history of bike racing who I haven't liked nearly as much - eg Cipollini, who really was very arrogant indeed. I couldn't stand that preening oaf.

They see cycling more like a job and making some money.Peter see cycling with his heart he needs to have fun because of his personality.

Traditionally, cycling is a very working class sport and has been seen by boys from a poor background as a way to make something of themselves, though there wasn't always as much money in the sport as there is now (and still isn't outside the top level). A lot of that mentality still persists in pro cycling, and I can understand why, but it's good that there's room in the sport for a touch of glamour. As long as it doesn't turn into football.

Peter Sagan definitely respect very well every person(otherwise his Mum will be smack him:smile:))

Ha! I'd love to meet Mrs Sagan.

I think he actually shows Cancellara a lot more respect than Cancellara gives him credit for - choosing Cancellara as the wheel to follow is surely a compliment?

Apologize in advance if my post is full of mistakes but English is not my mother language.Peter doesn't need any defenc. from my side this post was more about first try to understand culture where is come from,from what family ,his real personality etc.When you see him you always watching very very simply guy and very young boy.

No need to apologise for a very worthwhile and enjoyable contribution to the discussion.

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