Peter Sagan

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Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Come on, what's the difference? There's been grumbles about him disrespecting the peloton by no handies a wheelie up the Angliru etc. Bollocks, it's just a talented boy getting the zest out of life.

It's all about the perception you get from the action. As stated previously I thought Noodley asked a great question regarding my views and informed him of this. The question made me think hard about what I personally did not like, and upon reflection I find its Sagan's smug and cocky git expression rather than the celebration itself, it presents to me an exaggerated sense of his own importance and ability.
That's the difference to me..... He does not have this expression during the wheelie..... There may have been grumbles about him disrespecting the peloton by a no handies a wheelie but I have no issues with it, as I have previously stated.
I am unable to speak for the peloton's or anybody else's grumbles other than my own :thumbsup:


Sagan has personality - I like him.

Peter+Sagan MSR.JPG


back and brave
It's all about the perception you get from the action.

I agree. It seems almost to be polarising. As I've said before, it's to be expected. Anything new or different generates opinion. And opinion is only that. We really ought not concern ourselves about to be expected differences... as interesting as it is for discussion!

It's a pity that discussion diverts from the guy's obvious talent. I hope that the people who do not like the celebrations etc can acknowledge what an exciting talent Peter Sagan is.


Pft - he rides a bicycle for a living, perhaps his actions really are offensive or perhaps bad weather cabin fever strikes again ;) .

I suspect he'd be mortified if he knew people on the internet were bothered by his actions (not).


Banned member
South West
I thought it was a little strange and perhaps a little egotistical but to be honest I never thought it was disrespectful. It most certainly was not cool.
A lot of what I do not like comes from his expression, in the wheely and hulk pictures he looks like he appreciates that he raced hard against other great cyclists and achieved something. When you look at the Forrest gump, or the chicken celebration images, he just looks a bit of a smug and cocky git.

Great question though :thumbsup:
you need to get a life - he's a great cyclist; so what if he is smug and cocky (which I don't think he is anyway)!
there are far worse people (and crimes) in this world


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Sagan is hardly the first sprinter in the history of cycling to be "a bit of a character". He's certainly not the first to celebrate a win with a wheelie. In fact, probably all the best sprinters ever have had something of that about their personality. It goes with the territory.

Personally, I never liked Cipollini but I adore Sagan. Cipollini expressed himself with wacky zebra-striped outfits, Sagan does it with Forrest Gump impressions. I can't really explain why one riles me and the other doesn't. There's nothing rational about it.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
you need to get a life - he's a great cyclist; so what if he is smug and cocky (which I don't think he is anyway)!
there are far worse people (and crimes) in this world

One of the things which I enjoy about computer forums is how they permit you to have a different view to others and for them to be challenged respectfully and effectively in the manner that Noodley did with me in this very thread. His question alone made me look at what I did not like in some of Sagans celebrations
I also enjoy how people like Pedrosanchezo can have completely differing opinions to myself, yet communicate and express them in a clear balanced manner respectful of others.

I would like to clarify that I stated during this thread that "There is no doubting Sagan is good" and that he was "Certainly a talented guy though". Equally I never ever stated that he was a smug and cocky git. I only observed that his expressions made him appear to be this way with statements such as "he just looks a bit of a smug and cocky git" and "I find its Sagan's smug and cocky git expression"... I equally stated that I may be wrong with the statement "he would not be the first person I have got wrong".
I think you will equally find that at no point during this thread did I suggest or say Sagan was either a bad cyclist or person, or that he has committed any crimes.

In fact you stated "so what if he is smug and cocky" which makes me believe you may think this he is, I'm curious to know if you think Sagan is what you said and why?

Im equally curious as to know what makes you think I need a life and what's wrong with the quality of the one I have, would you like to compare yours with mine to obtain a better understanding. Im always happy to learn and be challenged especially when done so in such a charming manner.


I for one think he's a precocious talent with just enough humour to tip the balance in his favour to be considered entertaining. He reminds me of many interesting friends from when I was a lad (and perhaps a bit of myself); I sometimes see my own son venturing into 'cockiness' on occasions and I remind him of the time I saw him 'cheese rolling' down a ski run in St Martin De Belleville at the age of 4 - this is often referred to at key moments and known as the 'too cocky' incident, a point of reference to keep a cool head and reign in the monkey when buzzing with exuberance.

I like young characters with spirit though, they make things interesting and will make mistakes as they push the boundaries; this guy is giving it his all in a challenging environment and will go through phases when the world is his oyster but most likely also have setbacks, sometimes he will be feeling invincible and inevitably on occasions he will fall flat, be doubted by many and have to prove himself again ... undoubtedly he will age and become more rounded ... perhaps in ten years he will act quite differently?

Of course, he might just fizzle out but then again perhaps he'll have an amazing story and in the future people will remind others what he was like as a newbie, probably when the next generation's talented show boater pops the front wheel up coming over the line.

Life is like ...
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