So I thought I would give an update. This is the 1 week progress (well, 6 days really.)
The process has been fine. Empty and top up every day with a solution of roughly 100mg/500ml apart from when i cannot be bothered and I just add the 50/100 as a top up.
Only issues that I have had is that now and again the plug falls out so I lose the solution and have to come up with a new way of sealing (Normally a rubber glove with something shoved in roughly the size of the hole to keep it in(No Jokes))
As you can see the top has been eaten away quite a bit, but it has not gone all the way down, its slowly getting there. Tomorrow im getting some silicone sealant as I think this will be the best way to plug now(As it has eaten enough to now go down the top tube.
Hopefully one more week, maybe less and it will be out.
Downside so far .. I keep getting the stuff on me and its not pleasant (light splashes when moving it) and it has damaged the paint, so I will need a respray.
Cost : £7 on caustic soda, £1 on the tape.