people who talk absolute b**llocks about the speed they cycle

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back and brave
bonj said:
The only reason I can see why you'd argue so vociferously for cyclists' average speeds being truthful is if you were guilty of exaggeration yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have a vested interest!

Then think again. I get irritated when anyone seems to think that they know all and makes sweeping statements. It needn't even be on cycling issues. You seem to think that anyone claiming to average 25mph is talking bollocks. I, like others on this forum, know that it is possible and have adequately evidenced it. So the only one talking bollocks is you.

Incidentally, I have never claimed to average 25mph... 25kmph yes, but not mph. If you were referring to me then you have got that wrong as well. My best average, without talking it up, is 29kmph over 100km.... still some way short of 25mph but I'm very pleased with it as it represents progression for me. I do try to get faster and I feel no shame in admitting that, especially on a cycling forum.


Über Member
So how quick are you bonj?

Reckon you'd beat one of my six-year-olds round the track?


Noodley said:
You concluded that anyone "talking boastfully" was not telling the truth. There is no evidence. When people have stated they can cycle at "evens" you accuse them of lying.
Anybody can cycle at it, but to read some of the posts this forum'd have you believe most cyclists on here can average that over an entire ride. Well I'm sorry, but I smell a rat there. The simple fact is, to average 25mph, on britain's roads with the inevitable junctions etc that we have, your normal cruising speed would have to be in the region of 34mph. Which yes, is getting into TdF territory.

Noodley said:
I return to my original position - just cos you can't understand something or do something does not mean it is not real. Get over it bonj and face the facts - you are a far worse cyclist than you think you are :biggrin:
That's the one anybody who doesn't know how to validly argue but wants to anyway wheels out the bag, because they can't think of anything better to say. The issue of what I do or do not understand isn't even remotely the issue - I presume that hadn't even crossed your mind before you trotted off the stock argument?
And how good I am at cycling isn't the issue, it's certainly not an issue to me. I could be shoot at it, you can think that if you want - I don't really care, I don't know why MY prowess has been brought into it! Why has it - is 'attack the best form of defence' the next mantra you've wheeled out?

dodgy said:
bonj, as you've started wriggling, let me bring you back to this ridiculous assertion above. Noodley offered that it's perfectly possibly to average 20mph (and yes, it is possible) and you reckon you would need to be of TdF calibre to do so. Just how much don't you know about cycling and cyclists? Honestly, I've only been on this forum for a few weeks, but I don't think I've ever read such utter bollocks from a supposed cyclist on a forum before. Time and again I'm shocked at just how little you know, it's bloody staggering!

Seriously, my sister knows more than you and she doesn't own a bike!

So a question for you, how long have you been cycling seriously? Or have you yet to start, you know, seriously.


Christ there's nothing like ousting the average speed con to ruffle a few feathers into an angry frenzy of diversionaries and straw men is there!

yello said:
Then think again. I get irritated when anyone seems to think that they know all and makes sweeping statements. It needn't even be on cycling issues. You seem to think that anyone claiming to average 25mph is talking bollocks. I, like others on this forum, know that it is possible and have adequately evidenced it. So the only one talking bollocks is you.
Again, you need to understand that the fact that it is possible doesn't mean ANYONE can get away with claiming it.
Going to the moon is possible - it doesn't mean I can get away with claiming that I've done it and that people should believe me simply because it's physically possible.

Rob S

New Member
bonj said:
Anybody can cycle at it, but to read some of the posts this forum'd have you believe most cyclists on here can average that over an entire ride. Well I'm sorry, but I smell a rat there. The simple fact is, to average 25mph, on britain's roads with the inevitable junctions etc that we have, your normal cruising speed would have to be in the region of 34mph. Which yes, is getting into TdF territory.

I wasgoogling John Woodburn a couple of weeks ago (reading up on the LEJOG records) and was pretty astounded to see that he's 70....but he is still able to ride a 25 in 55m 31s:ohmy: , rode a 50 in 1h 58m 43s at the age of 69 and at 66 rode 100 miles in 4h 01 They're just Wessex group records....I wonder what the national veteran records are!!


Legendary Member
Rob S said:
I wasgoogling John Woodburn a couple of weeks ago (reading up on the LEJOG records) and was pretty astounded to see that he's 70....but he is still able to ride a 25 in 55m 31s:ohmy: , rode a 50 in 1h 58m 43s at the age of 69 and at 66 rode 100 miles in 4h 01 They're just Wessex group records....I wonder what the national veteran records are!!

And how many of this age could do the same?Just curious.


Über Member
Yep. Come and take on my under -10 group then.


back and brave
bonj said:
Again, you need to understand that the fact that it is possible doesn't mean ANYONE can get away with claiming it.

I have no reason to doubt anyone's claim when I know it can be done. I don't class myself to be in a position to judge just from words on a internet forum. But maybe that's just a difference between you and me.

You're wriggling and introducing caveats left right and centre, IF this IF that, to justify the use of a sweeping statement. But I'm fed up with this. You believe what you want. Personally, I think you just have a difficulty accepting it can be done simply because you can't do it - and I genuinely don't mean that in a bitchy way. :biggrin:


yello said:
I have no reason to doubt anyone's claim when I know it can be done. I don't class myself to be in a position to judge just from words on a internet forum. But maybe that's just a difference between you and me.

You're wriggling and introducing caveats left right and centre, IF this IF that, to justify the use of a sweeping statement. But I'm fed up with this. You believe what you want. Personally, I think you just have a difficulty accepting it can be done simply because you can't do it - and I genuinely don't mean that in a bitchy way. :tongue:

The fact that I don't have an issue with the fact I can't do it is evident by the fact that I don't make posts claiming that I can :tongue:

If you want an idea of who the perpetrators of something are on the forum, then just make a sweeping statement accusing everybody of doing it - then watch who leaps to the defence. Like fricking grouse hunting...:tongue::biggrin:


New Member
Bromley, Kent
I always track my average by what the computer says, I average around 17-19mph on my own when out training etc.

racing average, even over a 50mile race, is around 22-23 mph, thats hiding in the group and a few fast breaks, hitting around 32+mph on my own, into a wind, but the average is still around the 22 area................ ish.

I agree, if someone says they average around 25mph, they must be on a shoprt course, and mostly downhill, I would challenge anyone to a ride if they can back it up.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I do want to do under the hour for a 25. I thought that finding out a 79 year old had done it would help but for some reason it seems even harder now.
well, i can make you all feel good about your avertages, as mine is only 13.6mph!!!!- but then ive only been commuting to and from work (7 miles each way, with lots of hills) for a week, i hope to increase to an average of warp factor 3 by next year... then you'd better watch out..


As Promised BONJ....

The pix to prove a high average speed !

Very Sorry 'bout quality of the pix (the phone aint got a macro setting :sad:) only taken on a 2megapixel mobile cam. (no batts for the 7.5MP sony!)


The average Speed.


Max Speed


Duration of ride



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