people who talk absolute b**llocks about the speed they cycle

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Dave5N said:
Freewheeler accreditation on the track at Halesowen requires children to be able to complete 1 lap (400m minimum) in a minute or under.

I make that 15mph?

These are 6 year olds.

Bonj? Still shite?
on a TRACK! with smooth wooden boards, indoors. Course you'r egoing to get higher speeds there.

yello said:
Bonj, I don't understand you. Are you trolling? Several examples have been given whereby an understanding of 'average' is clear yet you persist in saying it's not possible.
...and several examples have been seen where that understanding is NOT clear.
yello said:
I repeat, the guy in first on a sportive here on Saturday covered the 180km course in a little under 4 hours 15 minutes. There was nearly 2000m of climbing and it was pouring with rain. That's an average of a little over 40kmph, or around 26mph in far from managed conditions. I'll post the link to the official results (when they are published) if you like.
Anyhow, you may be able to. There may be the odd one who genuinely is that fast. But I think it's largely for this reason why the rest of the all and sundry think that they too are likely to get away with claiming they too can cycle at such speeds.


New Member
Sunday, the four of us who bothered to go out, had a lovelly treat of homemade cakes at the ride leaders house... truly scrumptious cranberry and pecan flapjacks.:biggrin:

I ate six or seven pieces and drank two mugs of coffee.:biggrin::biggrin:

According to my computer (when I got home) after 46 miles of a fairly hilly ride, my ave. was apparently 15.6 mph.:thumbsup:


Got to remember there are two groups of cyclists here....
My and moderately experienced cyclists for several years at least, who cycle generally in pairs or solo.
I can just about up my average on a circuit to 17 mph over the summer, and thats going some for me.
Now, if i rode 50 miles from Hunstanton to P'Boro with a tailwind all the way, i'd probably average 20 mph, maybe more...but i'd be fooling myself.
The funny thing is, when on my circuit, not many people overtake me...very very few, but then i'm pushing and perhaps they're not.

Then there's the other group. Club members, experienced riders with years in the saddle, group riders, racers etc etc...I'd expect them to average 20 to 25 mph on a problem.

A telling moment for me was a couple of years ago. I was riding along at a fair lick....up came this guy and we rode alongside for a few miles chatting....
We came to a bit of a hill, and i started to flag just a bit as we got further up....
'must get on' he said...and promptly rode into the distance, leaving me for dead :biggrin: :biggrin:

At that point, i realised my limitations :biggrin::thumbsup:


Dave5N said:

Halesowen is outdoors and it's tarmac.

And often windy.

still not hilly, and no stopping. NOt hard to average 15mph even for kids.
I can often maintain a steady 15mph UPHILL on some hills, but when i get home my average is still only between 16 and 17, even though I'm going 20-25mph for a lot of the time, but the average is less because of the amount of stop-starting - the stop starting doesn't lower the average 'cos of the time stopped but 'cos of the time to accelerate again - when the computer will be counting. I think a lot of cyclists misunderstand the difference between the three types of average - mean, median and mode. i.e. they are reporting mode when they should be reporting mean, and what their cycling computer reports is always mean, but they choose to ignore that, in the same way that the chav who sticks an M3 badge on his non-M3 beemer because he thinks it 'deserves' it because he's put a k&n filter in it :thumbsup::rolleyes::biggrin:


back and brave
You can provide as many examples as you like of a lack of understanding but it doesn't prove a 25mph average is NOT possible. I only need to provide ONE example where the understanding is evident to prove that it IS possible. I have done so.

There may be the odd one who genuinely is that fast.

As I say, that's all I need to show. As it happens, the first 100 where in at an average speed of 22.5mph or better.

Face it bonj, it can be done by mere mortals. The question really is; why does it bug you so? It doesn't matter you know.

Of course cyclists talk themselves up and compare results (it's not just cyclists btw) but this is a cycling forum so its completely acceptable - especially in a forum called 'Sportives' etc! Just don't read it if you don't want to read comparisons of testicle size! Because, yes, if you're not interested in that sort of thing then that IS what is sounds like!


Steve Austin said:
Is this the thread that caused this Question Bonj?

Can't see too much willy waving there tbh. Just some competitive XC racers talking about their average speeds.
A lot of folk ride very fast

no this one steve
dalby in under two hours. What guff. if it's true i'll plait snow.


back and brave
bonj said:
no this one steve
dalby in under two hours. What guff. if it's true i'll plait snow.

Out of interest, I read it... couldn't possibly comment as I don't know the track nor mtb'ing. It did cross my mind though, since there was mention of different routes, that perhaps people are not comparing like for like.

This amused me though....

under 2 hours is good going i have done it in 2:10
i did stop for an hour long picnic of assorted cold meats and scotch eggs half way round
some or all of that last statement may not be entirely true :biggrin:



yello said:
Out of interest, I read it... couldn't possibly comment as I don't know the track nor mtb'ing. It did cross my mind though, since there was mention of different routes, that perhaps people are not comparing like for like.

This amused me though....


that's a point - perhaps they meant one-way, i.e made it to dixons hollow in 2 hours = that's more believable.
people who talk absolute b**llocks about the speed they cycle

as opposed to people 'who just talk absolute b*llocks!' (only one '*' is required in 'b**llocks').

I did slightly more than 4,000 km in six weeks, couldn't be bothered to work out my average (some bastard nicked my computer) but I trusted my mate's.
Being a tosser, you probably can't comprehend anyone having six weeks off work to cycle so long/so far, but we did it, and I couldn't give a fukking toss if you fail to grasp the fact that things YOU can't do, can be done by others!
You get fukking worse!
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