bonj said:that's pretty believable for you yenners
Noodley said:So yenners can do it, and by your reckoning he's of a standard to ride the Tour de France...but everyone else is a liar.
Noodley said:So yenners can do it, and by your reckoning he's of a standard to ride the Tour de France...but everyone else is a liar.
Dave5N said:So. Bonj.
Come and beat my under-10s.
bonj said:yenners hasn't claimed an average speed of 25mph, he's claimed 18-19mph.
gambatte said:18.2mph
That right Yenners?
(got to wake up before posting. I thought he was talking MPH after completely misreading his thread! )
bonj said:how can your average on a turbo be 30 odd miles per hour? unless it was on a lorry - ona turbo in your garage, you're going 0mph.
Dayvo said:So if you walk down the isle of a plane, does that mean you're walking at 504 mph?
miloat said:The wheels move bonj...