Indeed 'twas I, sitting on the spare tyre of my Disco, awaiting my wife and son. I met HLaB before transport in Viccy Park and just missed you all at Linlithgow, where I was attending to said wife and son, who didn't have time to wait in the lo-o-o-ng queues for food/water. We were in Tesco's carpark and I hastened across to the palace grounds to where you had been reported but you had fed and gone

I drove on and passed HLaB +1 after SQ, then missed him/them going past where I was parked. Just managed to shout to Magnatom (for 'twas HE [bows in deference]

), then had to wait a while for mrs and master scoosh. By the time I/they got to the Finish, there was no sign of any CC jerseys - and, not being a participating cyclist, I didn't know the hostelry to which you had retired.

My impressions are that this event has almost become a victim of its own success, with 6,500 riders - most with no much clue of how to ride safely and fairly on the road. Too many riders going 4 abreast, swerving out without checking behind them and not being considerate of other road users. Yes, there were some idiots in cars tearing past and honking/ shouting but they did have a point. The drivers were wrong - but so were many of the cyclists. Mrs scoosh also said there were so many people on the cycle paths that quite a few times she had to get off and walk.
Glad you all enjoyed it and sorry to have missed you. How did Tete and Mrs Tete get on ? Have they finished yet ?