Pedal for Scotland - Team

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I've not received mine either. I'm down in Lancashire until Thursday next week, so I'll just have to trust that cycle Scotland will send out my pack.....:biggrin:


Dayvo said:
Haven't received my details yet.
I'll let you know asap! :tongue:
Are they coming to Oslo :?::?:

... and you're coming to Scotland .... soon ? :smile:

Which event will happen first, I wonder ?

:biggrin: :rofl: :smile:
scoosh said:
Are they coming to Oslo :smile::?:

... and you're coming to Scotland .... soon ? :smile:

Which event will happen first, I wonder ?

:rofl: :?: :smile:

My money's on me arriving in Glasgow first on Saturday afternoon! :tongue:

I'll borrow a felt-tip pen and write my (telephone) number on my CC shirt! :tongue:

The weather has been atrocious here, so I should be acclimatised for the weekend! :biggrin:


Haven't received my 'pack' yet but might have to give this one a miss :-(

Have a touch of bronchitis that isn't going away and so not really in shape for a long ride. Very annoying!

However, if I feel much better towards the end of the week I'll PM you for your number, Tom and try and get down.



I really sorry to hear that. Your health is the most important thing! Of course it wouldn't necessarily stop you coming for a pint at the end....;)


My right knee is sticking by its original forecast. However, my left knee has had a major falling out with it and they don't talk much now. My left knee didn't provide me with any details of what it was about, although it did hint that it didn't trust my right knee any more. Make of that what you will. So I will be ignoring metcheck and dressing for a sunny day...:rolleyes:


goo_mason said:
What's your knee forecasting for this Sunday weather-wise, Magnatom ?
Most weather forecasters seem to be going with cloudy in Glasgow/Falkirk - rain in Auld RainieReekie.

BBC don't commit to any further ahead than Saturday and most weather forecasters (yes, even Heather-the-Weather) reckon that 3 days is guestimation, while 5 is not forecasting - it's speculation/wishful thinking :rolleyes:

I would advise packing a rain jacket ;)


So the day approaches. I hope you have all been training hard. I have been training by visiting the in-laws, for the week, and chasing the kids up large indoor climbing frame thingys. (Actually I was about 50m from Fleetwood pier yesterday morning, but I didn't have any matches, honest!)

Anyway, as you will all know the start is at the Winter Gardens in Glasgow Green. I assume it would be a bit busy there. Should we meet somewhere just before the start? i.e. the big monument thingy in Glasgow Green?

I've got a couple of mobile numbers, but if anyone else want to increase their chances of meeting up with us, you could PM me your number and I could text you our whereabouts close to the start.


I hadn't cycled to Glasgow Green from my house before, so last week I did a reccy. Quite a nice cycle actually (taking some roads and cyclepath). It'll take us between 30-40mins to get there, depending on how slow my work mate cycles! :biggrin: I take it you are still coming? Any dietary requirements etc? The kids are disease free at the moment (and off nursery) so they should be disease free at the weekend (fingers crossed!).

Looking forward to seeing you all! :rolleyes:;)

Remember my knee says the weather is going to be :sun:. Just ignore metcheck and the BBC....:biggrin:


magnatom said:

I really sorry to hear that. Your health is the most important thing! Of course it wouldn't necessarily stop you coming for a pint at the end....;)


My right knee is sticking by its original forecast. However, my left knee has had a major falling out with it and they don't talk much now. My left knee didn't provide me with any details of what it was about, although it did hint that it didn't trust my right knee any more. Make of that what you will. So I will be ignoring metcheck and dressing for a sunny day...:rolleyes:

I'm gutted as I was really looking forward to it (and I bought a newish and lovely bike the other week) and more importantly having a good natter with you all as we rode along but that's life. Aye, I'll try and get myself down to the finish on the sunday if I'm up and about - so could you PM me your number Tom just in case?

Mr Pig

New Member
You people are going to get wet.

And you better pray the wind direction changes or it's going to be a long day.

I'm about 13miles into the ride, a bit too close to the start for a stop, but you're welcome to say hi :0) Even put the kettle on too if you like, just let me know.
magnatom said:
Dayvo, I take it you are still coming?

Indeed I am. Unless I disappear into an unexpected black hole! ;)

magnatom said:
Dayvo, any dietary requirements etc?

Everything in your cupboards No, I am not a fussy eater! :biggrin: I'm grateful and appreciative for any/every meal.

I really don't want to cause you any inconvenience, so if you have anything better to do on Saturday afternoon (such as shopping, pumping the flood water out of the kitchen, etc.) I could (try and) make my own way to your house. :biggrin:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Aaaaaaaaargghhhhhh - I've got a horrible cold :tongue: Thanks to all of those kind souls who've been coming to work with it and sneezing all over the place, I've been struck down. I could kill them, I really could. My throat started feeling sore mid-afternoon, and by 7 it was really swollen and painful and then someone turned a tap on in my nose.

I'm going to take a day or two off to recover, and unless I'm so ill I can't get out of bed, I'll be on my bike on Sunday with you all. You may have to keep clear when I yell "SNOT ROCKET LAUNCHING IN 5....4....3....2....1", as I may be quite congested :rofl:
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