Pavement cycling/RLJ

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...the words 'dont expect me to make much room for you' infers that the cyclists wellbeing would be potentially compromised (what if the cyclist wobbled or had to avoid a pothole, debris..whatever just as shooter happened 'not to be giving him much room', because shooter took exception to previous behaviour).
I'm sure shooter wouldnt really do anything to endanger a cyclist, but such wording is inflammatory and sends out a terrible message.
Two wrongs dont make a right.

I'm not peeved BTW, i just dont agree with shooters words in this case.


Leg End Member
Chuffy said:
Then you, sir, are a pillioch.*

* - whatever one of them is. Is it a cranially underdeveloped relation of the pilchard?

Old Yorkshire word, origionally meant a fool.
Hijacked & the spelling changed slightly.


New Member
domtyler said:
Let me get this straight, if you see someone commit a minor technical infringement on their bicycle you are going to run them over in your van to teach them a lesson?


Only one W@nker on here and it ain't me!! Cause I'm not immature enough to resort to name calling

What I said as you don't seem anble to read is that I do not make loads of room if someone is a RLJ or jumps from road to pavement so they don't have to stop at lights etc. I do not hit them or put them at risk BUT i will not go out of my way to give them loads of room, whereas those cyclists who stop at lights etc are given in mosr case more room than a car gets.

Anyway I really don't care if you agree with me or not as you are so willing to say we all have our opinions and we are all allowed to state them, we don't have to agree or anything but maybe you could learn to read first, or failing that ask for an easy to understand explination.


Señor Member
User3143 said:
...Me personally I always jump red lights if I can get away with it and it's ''safe'' to proceed....

Why? Do the rules not apply to you? Are you too important to wait your turn like everybody else?


Well-Known Member
Carwash said:
Why? Do the rules not apply to you? Are you too important to wait your turn like everybody else?

Here's my take. I don't pollute the air with shite on my way to work so I am allowed to take some liberties, as long as no one comes to harm. Which they never do. How many people die in car crashes each day? Remind me.
Just goes to prove that these days a significant minority of people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong.
Just do as you want and stuff everyone else.:?:

Sorry, I'm sounding like me dad now !

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Alan Frame said:
Just goes to prove that these days a significant minority of people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong.
Just do as you want and stuff everyone else.:?:

Sorry, I'm sounding like me dad now !



Well-Known Member
Alan Frame said:
Just goes to prove that these days a significant minority of people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong.
Just do as you want and stuff everyone else.:?:

Sorry, I'm sounding like me dad now !

What do you mean, 'stuff everyone else'. In what way does jumping a red affect anyone else? If anything, it gives the other vehicles a clearer get away from the lights as they are not clogged up with moany old tossers like you. Nothing I do causes any other vehicles to so much as flinch, never mind slow down.


Señor Member
Funtboy said:
Here's my take. I don't pollute the air with shite on my way to work so I am allowed to take some liberties

No, you're not. Non sequitur.

In any case, you get other benefits for not polluting the air: you don't need to pay VED, you get fitter, more fresh air, and can filter through traffic, to name but few. To claim that you should be allowed to break the law as well is being a bit greedy, don't you think?

User3143 said:
No I don't think I am inportant as anyone else. I do think though that it is very naive to assume that every single cyclist stops/should stop at red lights even though it is the law..ah well.

I would agree that it's naïve to assume that every cyclist stops at red lights, because people are people, but why is it naïve to think that they should? As you admit, it's the law - a law put there for your safety and the safety of others.

Alan Frame said:
Just goes to prove that these days a significant minority of people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong.
Just do as you want and stuff everyone else.:?:

Agreed. RLJing, at its heart, is selfish and irresponsible.


Señor Member
Funtboy said:
...In what way does jumping a red affect anyone else?...

It endangers the safety of others, for one. Would you RLJ in a car?

Why do you think traffic lights exist, Funtboy? What do you think their purpose is?


Well-Known Member
Carwash said:
No, you're not. Non sequitur.
In any case, you get other benefits for not polluting the air: you don't need to pay VED, you get fitter, more fresh air, and can filter through traffic, to name but few. To claim that you should be allowed to break the law as well is being a bit greedy, don't you think?

I don't complain about peds streaming across the road, causing me to slow down when by rights they should be waiting for a green man. It's no big deal to me. Swings and roundabouts.


Well-Known Member
Carwash said:
It endangers the safety of others, for one. Would you RLJ in a car?

Why do you think traffic lights exist, Funtboy? What do you think their purpose is?

How does it endanger other people? I never have.
Funtboy said:
What do you mean, 'stuff everyone else'. In what way does jumping a red affect anyone else? If anything, it gives the other vehicles a clearer get away from the lights as they are not clogged up with moany old tossers like you. Nothing I do causes any other vehicles to so much as flinch, never mind slow down.

Thank you, Rentboy, for so eloquently confirming the assertion that some people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong. You really don't have a clue do you ?


Well-Known Member
Alan Frame said:
Thank you, Rentboy, for so eloquently confirming the assertion that some people have absolutely no conception of the difference between right and wrong. You really don't have a clue do you ?

Would you like to answer my points rather than blabbering on about right and wrong. In a the sea of moral dilemmas that make up life's rich tapestry, red light jumping doesn't get a look in. Just to clarify, NOTHING I DO ON MY BIKE CAUSES DANGER TO ANYONE - INCLUDING MYSELF. I see what you did with my user name by the way, well done. Maybe you should visit one and chill the **** out.


Funtboy said:
Would you like to answer my points rather than blabbering on about right and wrong. In a the sea of moral dilemmas that make up life's rich tapestry, red light jumping doesn't get a look in. Just to clarify, NOTHING I DO ON MY BIKE CAUSES DANGER TO ANYONE - INCLUDING MYSELF. I see what you did with my user name by the way, well done. Maybe you should visit one and chill the **** out.

I think that just about sums it up.
In the great scheme of things, a person shouldnt be judged so harshly for breaking the rules (importantly) where no-one comes to any harm....

There's not a person here that doesnt break the rules, in some form or other, in some way or other...whether its cycling, hanging around at the clocking machine (making sure you get those last 15 minutes pay), illegal parking (even temporarily), occasionally riding without lights( because you had to work later than expected)....the list is endless.

Just because someone breaks the rules in one area you happen to feel strongly about doesnt make him less of a person.

Ask yourself 'do i break the rules...ever'

Theres not many, if any, can honestly say they NEVER EVER break ANY rules.

i'm a realist BTW. I dont claim to be a saint, and i'm honest with myself about my shortcomings.
Probably for that reason, i tend to be forgiving of others shortcomings.

Ooer, that all sounds a bit religious :smile::tongue:
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