An increasing problem with RLJ'ing cyclists is that many now seem to assume that all cyclists will jump the lights. I've now nbeen rear-ended (oo-err missus) twice with one close shave by cyclists assuming that I would jump the red rather than stop. Somebody else reported a similar incident a few weeks ago. This is problem with assuming that making your own judgements is OK rather than following the simple rules of the road. If we all make our own rules out there we'll eventiually have chaos. I used to RLJ, I thought it was safer, I thought it was smart, it was certainly fun... in fact that was the main reason for doing it. I matured and changed my mind. There's no need for it, it pisses people off giving us all very negative press, it has the potential to cause harm. Stopping at a red and good defensive cycling seems easy enough, obeying the rules causes less stress for all than people making their own interpretations and sodding the rest... Maybe I'm just getting old.