Partner age difference

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I’m in a polyglamorous relationship. It’s absolutely fabulous, darling.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I'm nine years older than Ms All Uphill.

She is the love of my life; at 36 I'd given up thinking I'd ever meet someone who would fit so well.

It's only since I retired eight years ago that we've started to talk about the likelihood that I will go first and how we plan for that.
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Über Member
Potters Bar
My wife is 13 years younger than I. I felt it would be an issue when we first got together, but 28 years later (25 years married next Feb) it has never been an issue. I'm the luckiest man alive 😀
My late father-in-law lied about his age to join the army in the 1930s to get away from his horrible family. He also changed his name slightly on the birth certificate. While my m-i-l knew about the name change she knew nothing about the d-o-b change.

It wasn't until he was due to retire at 65 (66) and the truth came out that she found out that she was in fact 18 months older than him.

She was not happy.
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