The lyrics to Donovan's song were changed once his then girlfriend heard them.
Originally, when penned, they were:
Green is the colour of my true love's teeth
In the mornin', when we rise
In the mornin', when we rise
That's the time, that's the time
I love the best
I actually have a live version of Don singing that verse, it may be 'Yellow is the colour of my true loves teeth followed by the line "And It doesn't matter to me" It's on a Cassette somewhere that I come across sometimes, along with his best ever song called 'The Intergalactic Laxative'
"If Shitting is a problem when you're up there in the Stars
The Intergalactic Laxative will get you from here to Mars."
It's on the 1973 LP called 'Cosmic Wheels', google it, I'd provide a linky but this crappy 'Chromebook' won't let me anymore.
Don also sings on the Alice Cooper album called "Billion Dollar Babies"
Donovan Leitch, a true lunatic, even taught John Lennon and George a guitar technique whilst at Maharishi Yogi's Ashram in India...........I think he's still alive.