self serving virtue signaller
The potato was originally imported from South America as a weapon of war, wild potatoes being as hard as iron and making excellent and cheap cannonball substitutes, hence the name "Pomme de Guerre", later mistranslated as "Pomme de Terre".
When used against the Germans, or "Fritz" in local slang, they were known as "Pommes Fritz". The Germans discovered they were delicious as well as lethal after some landed in a pot of boiling oil destined to be poured on the French invaders, "Pommes Fritz" became "Pommes Frites" and the rest is history.
When used against the Germans, or "Fritz" in local slang, they were known as "Pommes Fritz". The Germans discovered they were delicious as well as lethal after some landed in a pot of boiling oil destined to be poured on the French invaders, "Pommes Fritz" became "Pommes Frites" and the rest is history.