Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
Shakespeare's real name was Barry. However, he had a fondness for getting drunk every friday down at the lounge bar of the Quack and Leeches, whereupon he would drop his keks and SHAKE his pork SPEAR at at any passing wench. He reveled in the saucy nickname, and used it as a pseudonym for when he wrote The Day of the Triffids.


39% of Scouse boys born in the 70s were named Barry


In the Welsh holiday resort of Barry Island, all of the population are called "Barry”. However, Welsh law is very proscriptive in what you can call people, and “Barry” is not on the list of names approved by the Queen of Wales. It its simply a familiar contraction of the populations real names - all of the women are actually called “Barbara” and all of the men are “Barold”.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Subway have commemorated the first anniversary of the Black Lives Matter movement by bringing out a BLM sandwich - bacon, lettuce and mayonnaise.


self serving virtue signaller
Dirk Energy is believed by highly intelligent theoretical physicists to hold the key to merging the currently incompatible concepts of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity into a Theory of Everything (ToE) allowing us an insight into the very mind of God.

He's actually an online fitness instructor from Wolverhampton currently incapacitated by an infected digit (toe).

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Every Ready was actual a new form of dark light created by Dirk Energy. You could be riding along a perfectly adequately lit high street, turn on your Every Ready lights, and suddenly the street would be plunged into the darkest of nights, with cars crashing left and right. The Ever Ready was in effect not a light source but a light sink.


self serving virtue signaller
The "Light Sink" was invented by Royal Doulton, but never a market success. Manufactured from carbon fibre and filled with helium, it was designed as a single sink for all uses in the home, as it could float upstairs when required and be easily pushed from kitchen to bathroom.

Unfortunately, losses mounted as sinks accidentally took wrong turns out of front doors. The "light sink" was withdrawn from the market at the end of the last century, and the few remaining can be seen in low earth orbit, where NASA monitors them as potentially dangerous space debris.


self serving virtue signaller
The Northern Lights are a temperance organisation based in Todmorden.

They were formed after a drinking competition with Eastbourne which to everyone's surprise was won by the southerners. The Todmorden team was forever afterwards known as the "Northern Lightweights", and such was their shame they decided to own the label and form a temperance society rather than face the prospect of further ignominy in the planned rematch.

They now drink only grapefruit juice, although rumours of bachannalial revels fuelled by lime cordial persist.
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