Odd factoids

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Mars bars' role as a phallus shaped treat was taken over by Boost, then Mr Big and finally - to target those of a kinkier persuasion - the Curly Wurly. For a brief period in the early 2000s, a limited edition Fudge was marketed at gay men


Legendary Member
In the 1970's one had to be very careful when asking for a finger of fudge. Many a private schoolboy discovered that the local lay by was not a place to ask for such a treat.

Fortunately, the passage of time has erased the trauma that was the Mars Fister bar, and the Rowntrees Cottaging Delight.
It's obviously become gentrified over the years, with the addition of a higher class of drugs, but the original bicycle races were initiated by people suffering deprivation through unemployment in the hope of getting a few extra quid. Hence many being named the gyro, and others the Milk Race due to the riders being those that were eligible for a third of a pint of warm school milk.


Legendary Member
The “Milk Race” was originally sponsored by Cadbury’s Milk Tray, and all of the cyclists competing were obliged to wear black polo neck jerseys.
The original Milk Race was indeed a milk race, with entrants racing to see who could milk a cow the quickest. Unsurprisingly, rampant onanists took the title year after year, while the restrained religious types came last.

Fortunately the great cow cull of 1904, when Lord Lucan murdered every cow in the land for cheating at cards, meant the competition had to adopt a new format using bicycles. Indeed, to honour the origins of the race it was traditional for a man dressed as Lucan to chase the pack with a meat cleaver, which also ensured they got off the line smartly.
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