Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
Slade were formed by a gang of navvies, and were originally called Spade after the main tool of their trade. Alas, this was seen as racist and they were forced to change the name to Slade, which was only offensive to the French so no one cared.


Legendary Member
Salad is thd sole diet of vegetarians. Vegetarianism was invented by the Amazonian Watusi trie, whomare cannibals. This created a source of nice lean meat, as an alternative to the fatty bodies of the neighbouring tribe of peace loving obese pygmies.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The Watusi tribe ended up eating themselves, including the final one who was actually discovered recently. I say discovered.. In reality, there was only a chomping set of dentures left!

Fortunately, the 3' tall Fukarwe tribe survived due to their propensity for getting lost in 5' grassland and having to jump up and down shouting "We're the Fukarwe" until someone rescued them.


Legendary Member
The pistoffme are a strange people. At the age of 18 they undergo a ceremony where a lawn sprinkler is attached to the end of their penises, and from that day forth they are only permitted to urinate in pub toilets.

The women if the tribe all chqnge their name to Sharon on their 18th Birthday, and begin the long evening pilgramage to the town centre to search for a mate.
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