Blimey ! this is not going to help the obesity crisis is it ? nutritional advisor to obese patient " you are likely suffering from a starvation response which was achieved by DNA methylation in utero" Obese patient to nutritional advosor "There you go, I told everyone I 'eat like a bird' but I still put on weight, I may as well give up the diet, this is all my granny's fault. "
What we need to discover now is why this "starvation response" has lain largely dormant until the 21st century ?

in 1960 just 1% of men and 2% of women were obese, in 2021 in the UK 28% of people are obese and a further 36% are overweight. Are we really expected to believe one of the reasons we are now suffering an obesity crisis is linked to the famines of the middle ages ?