For some people who have been diagnosed with various illnesses they get put on steroids by the doctor, those things are evil, they make your condition better, but by god they make you eat like a horse, so for these people it’s really a case of the lesser of two evils, however every high high street seems to be inundated with take aways and I can’t see how they all can make a living when they’re actually empty most of the time, but they all send stuff out on just eat, deliveroo, Uber eats etc, but I’m certain that the majority are just there to launder money, perhaps councils should clamp down on allowing them all to open, in the nearest town to me there are 5x Chinese, 1 dominos 1 Pizza Hut, 4x other pizza places, and at least 6 curry takeaways and 3x fried chicken and 3 chippies, this is in one small town with a high street that is about 2 miles from one end to the other, back in the eighties there was 2 curry shops 2 pizza and two Chinese takeaways, how on earth did we get to where we are now