It’s heartening to see after this subject has been debated ad-nauseam over the years, that we seem to be more aligned wit the view that it’s a highly complex and multifactorial problem much of which is mental-health related and socio-economic based rather than outdated and unpleasant tropes. Progress indeed!
We live in a world where we know more about health and nutrition than ever before. Food is also more abundant and safer than ever before. We know more about what’s in our food. Most people know the difference between health and unhealthy food and diet choices, so why don’t people make better food decisions? A major frustration from clinical dieticians is when treating patients who are obese that they find they know what they should be doing in terms of lifestyle changes to save themselves but seem unable or incapable of making those changes in any meaningful way. And it’s not as if there are any single causes, there are multitudes. Therefore solutions need to be in multitudes to match. There is no one solution, we must employ a range of measures if we are to have any impact on the Obesity Epidemic.
Too tired to go into more details right now, suffice to say, turning the tide will take a lot of effort in many sectors of society. There have been some excellent posts here....