IQ is another 'measure that tells you exactly nothing, but is still widely used by psychologists because it's the only thing they have that appears to be objective.
When I was training to be a teacher there was a whole lecture on what intelligence was/is
and he included an analysis of an IQ test in it - the test looked at about 1/01 of the different wys someone can be intelligent
it looks at abillity with number, logic (in some ways not others) and spatial reasoning (again in some ways and not others) - so it can tell one person they are stupid but they excel in other ways - such as empathy
and tell other people they are brilliant but they have no clue how to deal with people or why people do what they do
all of which is important in teaching
I also saw an article about Mensa and the tests they use to see who qualifies to be a member
it is basically like an IQ test - but even more limited
I have always found them impossible because they say things like "which is the odd one out" and I find ways in which every one of them is the odd one out if you look at it in different ways
apparently they (i.e. Mensa) reckon that the correct answer is $whichever because "that is the one most Mensa member would pick"
which makes being a member of Mensa to be meaningless - at least to me
but does explain why I can;t do a lot of the so called intelligence tests!!
anyway - what was the thread topic???