FNRttC Night Ride to Whitstable 7th April 2017

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I was slightly apprehensive about this ride because I have not been able to get many miles in over the last few months and I'm a bit out of practice. I'm so glad I came along. Although it was cold, we were pretty lucky with the weather. The fog made parts of the ride very atmospheric, especially the sub.

Many thanks to Tim for setting it up, to the Waymarkers and TECs , and the splendid Strood Crew. A great night out.
You certainly didn't look out of practice :okay:
I was just behind you at Woolwich and it bought back memories of a previous ride, you going down the wrong street and me chasing you down. Going back the long way round then finding out the ride was down the end of the road you went ^_^
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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
You looked fine to me.
Strangely enough, my legs were just about OK but my bum was suffering towards the end.


Silencing his legs regularly
TBH, after finding out about a certain ride last weekend after the event, part of me wasn't inclined to come on this one. In the end, I decided to agree to disagree with the way that was put together, and not let my favourite charity cake makers suffer a drop in donations (as per last time, I just put a tenner in to account for my (Big) bird-like appetite). Left-over cake? Srsly? Well, I did my best.....:hungry::hungry: Excellent Victoria sponge, treacle tart, chocolate cake, fruit cake, lemon drizzle… If there had been bread pudding I'd have made room.…;)

The Viner, for the second time in a week, was the weapon of choice. After front derailleur gremlins (cable stretch) were sorted by my second favourite Lithuanian (mechanic and occasional riding bud Arunas) midweek, usual speedy smoothness from the Italian lovely. Best bike, still, on days like these…

Work unfortunately went right to the 9.30 wire. Despite the very high unlikelihood of me making the 2138 train to the smoke, I tried anyway, and got the dubious reward of seeing the train pull away just as I was coming over the bridge. Ho hum, plenty of time to get into the kit in a non-moving facility before the 2208, which thankfully was unaffected by acts of goods train this time. Plenty of time to mingle at the new improved (if you live really sarf of the river) Waterloo meet up, before the tiny journey on to the new improved Ride Leader's Corner (might I suggest in future progressing direct to the NT & its ready made Safety Talk Stage rather than enjoying the loud muzak a few feet away?).

As any fule (who has read my previous postings on the subject) kno, this is one of my very very favourite night rides, and not merely because of Cake. The initial schlep east remains utterly unspectacular, but also it was also fortunately utterly uneventful in terms of mechanicals or dubious interactions with traffic. Eventually, we reached actual countryside, though thanks to someone in the heavens being over-enthusiastic with the smoke machine, we couldn't see any of it. The (aaaw, cute!!) horses brought to mind a Harry Hill gag about how to be a horse whisperer (you, er, whisper 'horse'). The sub at Rochester was utterly invisible, though given its neglected state, that was probably a good thing.

Very, very eventually, the mist burnt off, as I burned off a few of those calories on the Graveney marshes. Somewhat fewer than usual, not sure why but didn't have the usual turn of speed. Was a lovely view from the Waterfront, as always. Toddled off to the station for trains west then south. The service into Victoria came in a bit late, but (praise be!!!) Southern were actually running a Pompey service from there, which saved me having a long wait at Waterloo for the next one-an-hour (because of engineering work borking options via Guildford) train south. Back home at two-ish, into the arms of Morpheus not long after.

Splendid job @Trickedem, and I'm sure improvement opportunities will be taken…

I wasn't planning to do the August one, as I will be having a Revolting evening out in Islington on the Saturday night, early doors & curfew complicating the travel & sleep situation, and first choice of cheap digs were unavailable. I changed my mind, and have found an excellent alternative. So, for second year in a row, the Whitstable ride-gig combo is on. Well, someone's got to do their bit to save Tim from eating leftovers for days, haven't they? ;)

Only a few days to go until my next night ride…I'll be doing the recce for May 19's night IOW lap on Thursday....
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Silencing his legs regularly
Watched a teeny bit of Paris-Roubaix earlier, though I missed all the good bits. Footage of the pavé secteurs always brings to mind the thought that Trek, Specialized et al could do all the testing of bikes for it over here. Specialized Highgate Road wouldn't have the same ring to it though…

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I don't know if it was just me being "hyper-sensitive", but there seemed to be a fair amount of pretty shocking tarmac.
Bizarre, I mentioned several times through the night how good the tarmac was!!!
Cycle in Oxfordshire then you'll know what poor roads feel like...


Silencing his legs regularly
Bizarre, I mentioned several times through the night how good the tarmac was!!!
Cycle in Oxfordshire then you'll know what poor roads feel like...
I fear that will escalate into Four Yorkshiremen-style discussions of who's got the worst roads near them. As for my neck of the woods, Hampshire CC has the amusingly named Operation Resilience programme of road improvements. It's always (not) funny to see signs plugging it as you dodge potholes on lanes strewn with gravel.
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