I wondered what other people thought about the propensity of bike shops to give you a massive quote about all the new components you 'need' on your bike when you take it in for a simple servcice.
I am very happy to pay to have the cables replaced along with new brake pads and I accept that some components do need replacing after a while, such as the chain, cassette, crankset etc, depending on what your mileage is. What I object to is the way bike shops make you think that these components are 'necessary' for your bike to work again. For my last 3 services (over about 2 and half years) i apparently have 'needed' a new chain, cassette, jockey wheel and crankset. After insisting that I cannot afford such replacements, I have been able to miraculously pedal my bike as before with minimal chain slippage. Yes, a slipping chain is frustrating, but one can easily adapt and it is hardly anything that would necessitate stopping riding the thing. The shifting I am sure isn't as smooth as it would be given new components, but they are fine for my commuting and semi-regular saturday and sunday rides.
It would be nice to take my bike into a shop and not be told I need to spend £200 on replacement parts (I have even been told once that I need a new bike!) and then to not have an argument with the mechanic about why I am not going to spend that much money. It would be very nice if I could affort to have new cassettes and cranksets regularly - I am sure my bike would be much nicer to ride for it, but 'necessary'? I don't think so....
What do others think?
(Sorry if this is the wrong section)