Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
It's been a reasonably pleasant day here chez Casa Reynard. Sunny early doors, but then it clouded over. Keen breeze, though.

Slept OK-ish. Met up with a friend for our weekly dog walk. Or in my case, dog hobble. I still wore my old (soft & squishy) walking boots as the top of my foot is bruised and sore. Oddly, walking was far less of an issue than driving. Said friend was well made up with the big box of Jacobs crackers I picked up for her on clearance last week as I know she's rather partial to cheese & biscuits.

Had a lovely luncheon of toast, salami cacciatore, fruit and a :cuppa:

Kitchen afternoon today. Prepared some fruit to make jam tomorrow so that I can use up some more of those Cottenham Seedling apples that I've got. They're not keeping as well as they ought to, and I don't want to waste them. After, I roasted some sweet peppers, garlic and a squash I had in, and have used that to make a big pot of soup.

I'm now sat by the fire with a :cuppa: and watching the evening news.


Leg End Member
Four-day weeks are strange: I spent today thinking it was Tuesday. It's like having existential jet lag.

Wouldn't be so bad, but I had an appointment this morning and nearly missed it because I thought it was tomorrow.
Nay lad...
Definitely Today, all day...
As will Tomorrow when it gets here.
I did a bit of tinkering on my Orbit Gold Medal this morning. I was trying to get all the gears to work. It has a triple clanger with a really small front chainring and a massive rear sprocket. There is a lot of play in the rear mech which is a Shimano MTB long cage. It is a bit touchy as to what sprockets and which chainring are selected. I'll give it a try tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Lovely few hours out this afternoon in the sunshine with the cloud cover starting just as I got home. Very little else done today which is just how it should be. I also have spending money for this weekend away as my savings account has matured - the capital will go into an ISA in April and the interest will go into beer & food.

It will shortly be hot chocolate time.
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