Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Grey, but mild today - was working in the garage with just a jumper on (and pants !). I was outside before 9am. Aygo given a polish and garage tidied up. On-line shop done (click and collect as Morrisons had £15 off offer), then some bearing services to the full suspension. Fitted tyres to the spare MTB wheels (takes up less hanging space than two tyres and two wheels). See how the weather rolls, but may pop out on the road bike tomorrow morning for an hour.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
We have a power cut. My bike ride to the bakers has been cancelled because I'm not carrying the bike back up to the 5th floor.

hope your elevator gets fixed

Thanks, I think it's back up and running. The power came back after 6 hours, so about 5 hours ago now but I haven't been out to check.


My only point of failure was the exhaust but they didn't do the emissions test so that may yet be an issue. The rear exhaust section is cheap enough online so I might just order it and fit it myself rather than pay an exhaust centre to do it.

I took the opportunity while I was in the area to visit the railway museum which I had been meaning to for ages. Saw an interesting video of cine footage made around the narrow gauge railways of Donegal in 1958 shortly before they were closed.

Also had a look around the books in a charity shop and they had some CDs such as "Christmas with Cliff" on special offer to clear but I declined these bargains.


And now ebay is suggesting that I bid on a Reliant Regal van. :wacko:

Cushty. You know it makes sense!

Good to see someone getting it right. Nearly everyone always says Reliant Robin when going on about Only fools and horses.
My dad told me very early on how you can tell which is which. For a few years as a kid before my Dad got made redundant and his sister forced him to sell to pay back some money she'd only just lent him. We had a Reliant great car went on many a holiday and day out , never failed to start and my dad managed to get to work in some right snow when many others never made it.
The Czech patient is in for test now. It blew a hole in the exhaust en-route to the test centre so that's a fail for certain and they'll more than likely not do the emissions test now because of the hole in the exhaust.

I never knew it was possible to hate an inanimate object so much.

I did ! My brother's Mondeo! Especially when it broke down on the way to see a new car ! I told him if I had any matches I would have set light to it !
Rennie Artois. "But I have No matches!"
That sketch made me laugh !


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Yesterday I lost my 3-way 4/5/6mm hex tool.

I just found it at the bottom of a pile of humorous bicycle horns.

I lost my 4mm allen key that I keep in my wallet about 3 months ago. On Tuesday night it was sat by the water fountain at Derby velodrome.

And doesn't everyone keep a selection of allen keys in their wallet?


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
No, they go in the saddle bag.

Can't have a saddle bag on a track bike :tongue:


Running behind on job at home , only just bad the bed still got washing up to put away and bring the washing in. All down to putting up theses new tool racks , found a use for all that paper Amazon use as packing. Worked well catching most of the brick dust from drilling the wall :laugh:. Still hand some escape and needed cleaning up. Why do wallplug and screws they send never work? Had a right job finding some it’s not often I need any. It was a tight fit with not much room to get the drill in , once I got going my newish Makita cordless drill and impact driver made light work of it. Though the drill did meet a little issue of a black brick. Tidying up felt like it went on for hours after still plenty of stuff to put away but will wait for tomorrow,


I did ! My brother's Mondeo! Especially when it broke down on the way to see a new car ! I told him if I had any matches I would have set light to it !
Rennie Artois. "But I have No matches!"
That sketch made me laugh !

My Skoda has almost drove me to this on more than a few occasions. I sort of inherited it and didn't want to appear rude and ungrateful by turning around and selling it almost immediately but it has cost me a fortune to maintain and I find it horrible to drive, ugly to look at, it drinks petrol, and somehow has less bootspace than my 205 despite being considerably bigger on the outside.

Once I get year's test on it I am tempted to get shot of it and buy a Honda Jazz but I drive so little these day it would do if it behaved itself and I could put the money towards restoring my beloved 205. Each time I fix it I tell myself surely nothing else can go wrong....
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