Mundane News

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I've just read a shoppers review of one of my favourite chocolate bars ( Ritter "Rum Raisin and Hazelnut" ). They gave it 1 star and described it as " A poor imitation of Cadburys " 😮
Dry and settled when I got up but rain has now started again.
Damp and cold is much worse than dry cold as many of you seem to have frost which I have not seen for some time now. A bag of salt for my concrete path has been lying beside my door for a long time and only used once by me.
Medication sorting day which I do weekly on a Thursday but is fairly easy. Unlike my late wife's meds. when I had to develop a spreadsheet as she had up to 14 different pills to take at varying times of day and night.
Outside I have an unused reinforced concrete coal bunker I want rid off but first I have to clear it out of a variety of junk which may take some time. Help will be required to remove it as it is heavy and not able to be broken into manageable bits due to the steel rods in the concrete.

can you just fill it with more junk then cover it w/ dirt & plant grass?
It's a bright and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard. In sheltered spots the sun has a good bit of warmth to it, but goodness, that north-westerly breeze has a bit of a bite to it...

Slept well (and slept in, I needed it), and have had a gentle morning catching up on chores and doing some prep for supper. By the time I go shopping on Sunday, I will definitely be in need of vegetable matter - other than what's destined for supper, there's only a butternut squash, some leek, half a head of celery a few sweet potatoes and a handful of red onions left.

I'll be sorting out some more firewood later. Yesterday's bimbling in search of kindling turned up a couple of dead / fallen trees towards the back, so I shall take the chain saw and turn them into trimmed / moveable sections.

Anyways, it's time for luncheon. And the cats are reminding me that it is ham time.


Shout out to Physiotherapies on strike today 1st time in history for them too ,they do more than people think.


Ok one happy Postman here.Just reporting on my xmas pressie,Asus c202 chromebook.I love it i still have the Firetablet which i will use to to read Kindle books on when i get around to buying some, keyboard is fantastic,my spelling has not improved but that is my fault.All in all a great purchase for £99.It began during the summer at £199,so the very special offer it only lasted four days at £99 is great value.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Slightly productive day between the showers.
Got some of my defunct coal bunker cleared and indoors got a cupboard with a load of empty containers sorted and a lot in the recycling bins. Some clothing I will never wear again bagged up so a trip up to the dump tomorrow with stuff for the charity shop, clothing/fabric bin and recycling.
A neighbour took a water butt which was used for my now defunct polytunnel as well so a bit of reduction but a lot more to go.
I also found a stash of shop poly bags and even some Clydesdale Bank ones which I was given at an Agricultural Show years ago. The latter are strong and waterproof so were kept for camping trips to keep clothing etc dry. I do not see myself going camping again so time they were used for something else.
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